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Helghasts are undead creations of the Darklords. They are not mindless undead, they maintain the intelligence they had before death, but lose all humanity and empathy they might have had before their creation. In their natural form, they appear as burned out corpses whose skin has melted away exposing the musculature underneath.

They are incredibly durable, and with their undead status, effecively immortal. They can change shape, and are highly resistant to all magical weapons. The Darklands use them as infiltration agents across the Freelands.

When helghasts die, their bodies quickly decay as if they were affecgted by a strong acid, finally sublimating a vile green non-toxic gas.

Basic Information


Helghasts were formed from the profaned bodies of humans. This leads them to all have the range of shapes associated wtih Humans.

Biological Traits

Helghasts are incredibly resistant to mundane weaponry.
  • Helghasts have 75% resistant physical damage reduction, except against magical weaponry
They have the ability to magically change their appearance at will making them natural espionage agents for the Darklands .
  • Shape Shift, Sight and Touch Groups, any shape
Finally, all helghasts have natural and trained resistance to mental attack. Some may exhibit other telepathic powers, but all have psionic defenses.
  • Mental Defense 10 pts

Genetics and Reproduction

All Helghasts were created by Darklord Vashna during the time of the Helghast Wars . The secret of creating Helghasts passed along with the death of Vashna at teh Battle of Moytura Pass. Among the Darklords, they speak of the ritual being recorded in the Book of Vashna. The location of such a tome is currently unknown.

With no additional Helghasts being created, some scholars theorize that there may be as few as 100 Helghasts remaining on Magnamund.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Helghasts are undead and are thus not subject to normal biological needs. They do not age, require oxygen, or food or water
  • LS: full life support


Most helghasts are cruel, and enjoy their ability to fool people. They often delight in revealing that they are undead to their unsuspecting creatures.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Helghast are able to see flawlessly in pitch darkness.
  • +4 to PER only to offset darkness modifiers

Civilization and Culture


The Helghasst were created by Darklord Vashna through an intricatae ceremony including the sacrifice of thousands of Humans. Following their creation, Vashna sent them agains Sommerlund where they fomented 30 years of conflict now known as the Helghast Wars.

Over those 30 years, the helghasts infiltrated multiple baronies of Sommerlund inspiring violence, paranoia, and suspicion. They caused more Sommlending on Sommlending violence than has ever been seen.

Following the Helghast Wars, the helghasts pulled back to the Darklands for some time under the command of Svader, one of the more powerful of their kind. Since then they have shown up alone or in small groups heading up the destabilization of the Freeland nataions.


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