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Herbwarden of Bautar

The Herbwardens of Bautar – or the Herbalish Druids, as they are alsoknown – were once a tribe of holistic warriors and shamans, whose nature-wise ways attracted the attention of the Shianti, or elf during the Ageof War. Bautarian sages were therefore the first humans to harness Magnamund’s primal magic. During the Age of Awakening, when mortals learned how to wield magical energies , they were in turn greatly assisted in their development by the Bautarian Herbwardens and their knowledge of natural magical resources.     Fully conscious and worthy of their duty as guardians of nature and magic, Bautarians founded the Herbalish to nurture and care for the land. They left an indelible mark upon history when they saved Magnamund from devastation at the hands of the Cener Druids and theirGreat Plague. To this day, Herbwardens remain the oldest and wisest order of human magical practitiioners , even though their magic differs greatly to that wielded by the Blue Crystal Star Magicians or the Dessi Battle-Mages.  

Hero System Statistics [23 points]

Description (minimum requirements) Cost
Area Knowledge: Bautar 2
Knowledge Skill: Cener Druids 2
Paramedic 3
Perk: Local Police Powers (Bautar) 2
Professional Skill: Herbwarden 2
Herbalism, analagous to Poisoning 3
KS: Botony 2
KS: Geology 2
Magic Perk: Magic Crafting [5 active points] 5


Career Progression

As a complement to their druidic activities, Herbwardens often explorelush Bautar to gain a higher awareness of its infinite variety, whilepatrolling and protecting it alongside their brethren and compatriots, theBautarian Border Rangers. All of Bautar’s great gardens and naturalsanctuaries fall under Herbwarden supervision, thus the Herbalishbecome guardians of their land in every aspect, making them the mostrespected and admired individuals among their fortunate people.   High-level Herbwardens often function as advisors to Bautarian nobles and leaders, for they are the stewards of their realm’s moral compass aswell as the engines of its soul.



In MS 5000, Herbwardens are the descendants of the ancient order of Bautarian sages. They are druids, or nature priests, whose abilities and secret knowledge have helped to transform their land into a lush and natural paradise. Although the Herbwardens’ speciality is healing magic, nature’s primal power is vast and manifests in many other ways. Besidesthe healing arts, the first Herbwardens had some training in combat,which they used during their ‘Green Purge’ against the vile corruption ofthe Cener Druids. Present-day Herbalish have inherited some of theselimited martial skills, although rarely do they have the need to use themin the present age.
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