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Dessi Battle-Mage

The title of Dessi Battle-Mage is reserved for those members of the Dessi battle mages that have graduated from basic military training with the Dessi military, and based magical training with the Vakeros. They receive their commission upon graduation and are expected to serve four years with the military.

Even after their term of service, Dessi Battle Mages are treated with special status in Dessi and their careers are followed by the ruling classes. Their magical training with Magi Magic requires that all Kai Lords buy a magical multipower.

To play a Dessi battle mage, a player must have purchased the following:

Hero System Statistics [30 points]

Description (minimum requirements)Cost
Area Knowledge: Elzian Training Grounds 2
Combat Skill levels, any assortment 5
Knowledge Skill: Dessi Military 2
Professional Skill: Dessi Battle Mage 2
Stealth 3
Tactics 1
Weapon Familiarity, any one weapon 1
Distinctive feature: facial tattoos -5
Magic Perk 10
Magic Skill (int based 3/2) 3
Psionic Multipower [10 active points]
  • Requires skill roll -1/2
  • Must have hands free -1/4
A Dessi Battle Mage will begin play with as many spells as they purchase slots within their multipower. e.g. A character may begin with a multipower spell slot of Infravision for one character point.



All Dessi Battle Mages are capable practitioners of Magi Magic . All Vakeros must pass exhaustive testing by the authorities in the Dessi military.

Upon acceptance, a Battle-Mage accepts the facial tattoos that identify  them as a servant of Dessi .

Career Progression

Any citizen of Dessi that finds themselves capable of utilizing Magi Magic may apply to be a member of the Vakeros .  To become a full member they must pass basic training in both Magi Magic and with the Dessi military.

Upon graduation, members are expected to serve for a minimum of four years.  Following that servitude they are free to continue in the military or seek their own fortune elsewhere.



Battle mages serve as the shock troops for the nation of Dessi .  They are trained with the military there.

Social Status

Dessi Battle Mages are held in the highest esteem within @Dessi .
Outside of @Dessi they are acknowledged as professional warriors and wizards.

  In the Darklands , they are considered enemies and often killed on sight.


The vast majority of Dessi Battle Mages are Human and Half-Elf  , as they are recruited exclusively from within Dessi  .
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