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Kai Lord

The title of Kai Lord is reserved for those members of the Kai Lords that have graduated from the Kai Monastery and received their commission as a member of the Sommerlund military.

While not members of the guard, Kai Lords are treated as special agents in the nation of Sommerlund and their testimony is considered nigh unimpeachable. Their psionic training requires that all Kai Lords buy one psionic multipower.

To play a Kai Lord, a player must have purchased the following:

Hero System Statistics [35 points]

Description (minimum requirements) Cost
Area Knowledge: Kai Monastery 2
Breakfall 1
Knowledge Skill: Darklord Minions 2
Knowledge Skill: Kai History 2
Paramedic 1
Perk: Local Police Powers (Sommerlund) 2
Professional Skill: Kai Lord 2
Stealth 3
Survival, Deciduous Forest 2
Tactics 1
Tracking 1
Transport Familiarity: Horses 1
Weapon Familiarity: Bow 1
Weapon Familiarity: any melee weapon 1
Psionic Perk: any one psionic type 5
Psionic Skill (Ego based, 3/2) 3
Psionic Multipower [10 active points]
  • Requires skill roll -1/2
  • Only powers in of psionic type -1/2

A Kai Lord will begin play with as many psionic powers as they purchase slots within their multipower.
  • e.g. A character may begin with a multipower slot of +5" superleap, for one character point.



All Kai Lords are capable of expressing at least one Psionic Talent .
All Kai Lords must pass exhaustive testing by the authorities of the Kai Monastery .

Career Progression

All Kai Lords begin in their early teens as Kai initiates.  The youth of Sommerlund are tested for Psionic Talent by travelling Kai Lords or Blue Crystal Star Magician s.  Those that are found to have Psionic Talent are gathered to the Kai Monastery where they will be trained and tested.  Many initiates do not pass beyond this stage.  Many are found not be either up to the professional or moral standards of the Kai Lords .  Those that are turned away do not suffer any prejudice from the citizenry of Sommerlund .

Those that remain, will train for years to be declared a Kai Lord.  Most Kai Lords begin their professional career in their early twentiess, but some begin as late as age 30. At this age, they are offered a career as an officer in the Sommerlund army.  A Kai Lord may instead seek their fortune elsewhere.  Many Kai choose this route in an attempt to honor the current Kai Grand Master, Lone Wolf .

Later, a Kai Lord may return and seek to be elevated to the rank of Kai Master.  To attain this rank, a Kai Lord must demonstrate expertise with a single Psionic Talent  or working expertise with multiple Psionic Talent s.  In addition, they must demonstrate a loyalty to the principles of the Kai Lords.

Finally, there is one Kai Grand Master that is considered the highest authority of the Kai Lords.  The current Kai Grand Master is Lone Wolf .


Social Status

Kai Lords are held in the highest esteem within Sommerlund .
Outside of Sommerlund they are respected as professional warriors, but in Eldenora  they are considered with suspicion.

In the Darklands , they are considered enemies and often killed on sight.


The vast majority of Kai Lords are Human , as they are recruited exclusively from within Sommerlund .
Famous in the Field
Other Associated professions
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