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Psionic Talent

Magnamund is a world with a rich tradition of psionic talent. Psionics consist of completely natural (non-magical, extraplanar or supernatural in origin) manipulation of the self and environment beyond the normal limitations of the user's species. These abilities rely on the natural talent of the user, and a person without psi-talent cannot be trained. One is either born with the potential or not.

From nation to nation, those that exercise psi-talent are sought for their skills and powers. All races and peoples can count those with psi-talent among their numbers though their numbers are few among the Shianti, or elf . Psi-talent manifests in a user as up to five different disciplines, which represent each represent a distinct application of talent. Many users are limited to only learning the applications of one discipline, but some practiced users can learn to use them all. Each psionic discipline is defined by the applications for which that discipline can be used. There can be a wide variety of applications within a discipline.

Psionic talent is defined by the minimum requirements applied to the set of powers associated with it. These minimum requirements are listed below. In addition to the minimum requirements, an individual character may take on additional limitations or advantages so as to model their own unique interpretation of the style. For example, a telekinetic may need to make hand motions to reflect the movement of target objects, perhaps as a holdover from his initial learning they have yet to shed. These customizations may be applied or ignored at the discretion of the character.

Hero System Statistics
Each psionic discipline has a section detailing the changes in game mechanics that are required by any practitioner of that disciplin. The details of this section should be applied to the character as follows. All practitioner of psionics of any discipline have the following restrictions on Magnamund.
  • Psionic Healing is not available on Magnamund, unless accompanied by the Side Effects, Major limitation.
  • Psionic Teleportation is limited to a total distance of 50" total.
  • Use of armor inhibits the use of psionic talent. Wearing armor incurs a penalty to any Psionic skill check as per the following.
    Armor or Equivalent Psionic Skill Penalty
    Leather Armor -1
    Chain Mail armor -3
    Plate Armor -5
  • Except when specifically approved by the GameMaster, all Psionic powers require Endurance. For any power that does not require Endurance, the character must apply a Requires Endurance Limitation to the spell.
  • All psionic powers require 1/2 phase to initiate.
  • At a minimum, a psionicist must purchas the Perk: Psionicist for 5 character points.  This enables them to build out a multipower for one of the fiber psionic disciplines.
  • A psionicist may purchase the Perk: Full Psionicist for 10 character points. This removes the need to purchase perks for each individual discipline. This perk may be purchased at character generation, or a character may pay 5 character points later to upgrade Perk: Psionicist to Perk: Full Psionicist.


While Psionics can be found all over Magnamund, the population with the highest occurrence of psionics can be found in Sommerlund . The population there is routinely tested and those with the talent are recruited into the Kai Lords .

Outside of Sommerlund , there are several isolated small monastic orders that train practitioners and individual Psionicists can be found across the globe.

Articles under Psionic Talent


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