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Kai Lords

The Kai Lords are both a military order and a monastic order based in the Kai Monastery of Sommerlund .

In , the incidence of psionic powers in Sommerlund is much higher than the general population of Magnamund. Any who show the talent, are tested and evaluated for entrance into the Kai Monastery . While there, the potential Kai Lord is trained and tested by multiple instructors in warfare, naturalism, and their own talent. When a kai shows they have mastered these skills, they will have graduated and will be able to use the title, Kai Lord.

Kai Lords are automatically granted an officer's commission in the Sommlending military. Before the Purge of the Kai  , most new Kai Lords accepted this commission and took direction from the King of Sommerlund . Following the Purge of the Kai  , many Kai Lords have followed Lone Wolf 's example and have become itinerant travelers, both learning about the world and doing good in the name of the Kai and Sommerlund.

They are known by their distinctive green cloaks. To play a Kai Lord character, a new character must meet the minimum requirements documented in the Kai Lord article.


Upon graduation, a Kai Lord chooses their final name. Kai Lord names are based upon some variation of color, natural phenomena, or skill.
e.g. Lone Wolf, Silent Cub, Silent Wolf, Redfern, Silver Horse, Striper, and so on.

Public Agenda

The Kai Lords are publicly sworn to the defense of Sommerlund .  Since the Purge of the Kai  , they have espoused a more general dedication to the cause of good, whereever that may lead.

For Sommerlund, and the Kai

Founding Date
MS 3810
Military Order
Parent Organization


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