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The Noodnics are an intelligent but mischievous mountain dwelling humanoid ratkin species that is generally two feet high. They are native to Durenor. They can be found scouting around in the Tarnalin and other tunnels and mines that bore into teh Hammerdal mountains.

Basic Information


Noodnics resemble oversized marsh rats with bright black eyes. They inhabit a maze of small shafts and fissures that honeycomb the Hammerdal Mountains. Their thick tails and taloned hands and feet are good for grasping rocky surfaces making them adept climbers.


Noodnics love human society and tools. They will pilfer and run off with any that they can carry. They will steal belt pouches and coins, though they have no use for them.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most Noodnics reside in the Hammerdal Mountains of Durenor. Some have emigrated from Durenor by stoing away on caravans and can be round as far away as Sommerlund or Barrakesh.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Noodnics have a sharp sense of sight and smell.
  • +2 to visual perception to offset darkness penalties
  • +2 to olfactory perception

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Noodnics have not evidence any ability to craft or create humanoid weaponry, or tools, but make extensive use of this technology when they can get it.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Noodnics have their own language, with some of the more well-travelled Noodnics capable of speaking Sommlending or Durenese.


The Noodnics have proved themselves to be an exception to the truismthat creatures born of the evil of Naar are forever enslaved to evil and canaspire to nothing else. These creatures were first created millennia ago toserve Agarash the Damned. They infested many regions of Magnamundand were aggressive pack hunters. During the Age of Awakening (1600MS – 0 MS) their numbers greatly reduced and they became isolated insmall areas. One of these areas was the eastern Hammerdal Mountains,and it was here that Noodnics evolved from their ancient Agarashi forms into the race they are today.

The reason for their evolution was the presence of the Fount of Ishir close to their burrows in the mountains. This famous pool gives off avery fine mist that permeates mountains and forest for miles around.Although the blessed water of the fount was poison to the Agarashi Noodnics, over many centuries they absorbed fine mist particles throughtheir skin and it slowly transformed them. They changed from being large, voracious murines into smaller, leaner, more intelligent tribalcreatures perfectly adapted to living in their tunnel environment. Their lust for blood and chaos was gone. Now, all they lust for aree xtravagantly loud clothes and a hoard of shiny things.
Average Height
2/3 of a meter with foot long tails


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