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The icy realm of Kalte  has remained apart from the rest of Magnamund’s civilisations since the Shianti Empire  left these frozen wastelands millennia ago. All that remained here was the human culture whom the Shianti hadtaken as their servants, now reduced to barbarism after findingthemselves without guidance and protection in the midst of an icy,isolated wilderness.

Yet, despite the seemingly overwhelming odds, these people did not perish. Instead, they met the challenges of their habitat and became stronger and more resilient. From their perilous state of being a helpless,leaderless, solitary human tribe isolated in an overwhelmingly hostile environment, they became a powerful nomadic tribal groups known as the Reghed Tribes of Kalte .  They now hold sway over some of the most inhospitable territory in all of Magnamund. Their numbers had grown steadily until the The Famine of Kalte  .

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Bulla, Iquas, Kangok, Koras, Miku, Ongu, Sakru,Tupsha, Ugua, Yurzu.

Masculine names

Akiak, Dencka , Ikia, Kamkak, Kzu’Tooa, Manza,Nolak, Pust, Quok, Suluk, Tagzag, Yri’sasa.


Beauty Ideals

The Reghed have an off-white complexion, not quite the olive of the Tianese but not as pale as the Sommlending. Their eyes are slanted and their hair is black. They often wear beards, and women wear their hair long.
Languages spoken


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