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Ruined Caer

The Ruined Caer is composed of the remnants of the keep for which Caer Konig is named.

It was built in MS 5050 when the nation of Sommerlund attempted to expand their presence beyond Ljuk . The keep lasted for only ten years before the Reghed Tribes of Kalte drove the Sommlending out. Their persistent attacks against the supply lines necessary to support the keep left its defenders in a sorry state.

In the final attack, dozens of Ice Barbarians and soldiers of Sommerlund lost their lives. Afterwards, the keep was considered haunted and avoided by the Ice Barbarians and it was left alone for decades.

The caer was eventually looted completely for supplies when its constituent materials were used to supplement the construction supplies of Caer-Konig in MS 5091.  In MS 5096, The Antiquarian Association  found a group of chwingas at the site playing underground.
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