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Vaelyn Myth'viir

Professor Vaelyn Myth'viir

Vaelyn is a Half-Elf man of Illthyri, Shianti subrace stock. As such, he has a grey-black complexion, pointed ears, and black hair that make him stand out in a crowd. Vaelyn originally hails from Dessi and is prone to the use of magic in mundane settings. He uses spells to maintain the cleanliness of himself and surroundings, to season and summon food, and send idle message.

Vaelyn had always been a skilled wizard, but when he left academia, he learned how to apply his academic skills in combat. He is a journeyman sorcerer, in the Shianti fashion and knows a variety of utilitarian spells and a smattering of combat magics.
As he entered middle age, he left the lands of Dessi behind to take a teaching position at the University of Varetta . There, he would spend hours in conversation with Gwynion and other wizards concerning history, magical theory, and interplanar theory. Vaelyn is, at heart, and academic. It was during this time, and between semesters, that he was hired for a small one-time consulting job that resulted in his enlistment in the Lion's Pride .

  During his time with the Lion's Pride he taught Lionel about magical theory, the interaction between military and magical history, and philosophy. He felt at home with most members of the Lion's Pride though there was some friction with the more impatient Danni@  Shianti heritage stood between them until they parted.

Following the signing of the Steamjack Accords and the dissolution of the Lion's Pride , Vaelyn returned to his position as a magical theory instructor at the University of Varetta. With his unique knowledge of runes, steamjack construction, and krafted firearms, his services are in high demand.
ex-Player Character
Played by Eric Devlin
Current Location
Year of Birth
5019 MS 78 Years old
Raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Grey
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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