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Vassan Royal Family

The Vassan Royal Family rules Vassagonia, and has ruled Vassagonia, for centuries.  The head of Vassagonia, and the Vassan Royal Family, is known as the Zakhan and is considered chosen by the gods. 

It is important to note, that the Zakhan is considered chosen by the gods, not any particular god.  This is a central tenet of the intersect between the Faith and the Leadership of Vassagonia.  The Zakhan is chosen by the gods, and that my be to the detriment of Vassagonia as wills the gods.

Infighting within the Vassan Royal Family is not uncommon, but a new time of stability has been entered with the rise of Zakhan Khalil.
Court, Royal
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Feudal state


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