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Slovian Forces Marshal to Stop the Epidemic

Gathering / Conference


Regent Edrin Hennigar quarantines the city of of Suentina. He worries that the epidemic will make Slovia appear weak to their enemies.

Prince Edrin Hennigar meets with Tuatha in Tahou . They collect Herbwarden Brianne and bring her back to Suentina .

Wolf Pack travels north from Tabora . Everyone meets at the army encampment surrounding the city.

Regent Edrin Hennigar quarantines the city of of Suentina. He worries that the epidemic will make Slovia appear weak to their enemies. He is in possession of 100 doses of the cure for Goblin Fever , but is reserving them for use by the nobility of Slovia .

  Prince Edrin Hennigar meets with Tuatha in Tahou . They went there to secure add from the Anarium , but fail to get their support. While there, they are directed by Senator Roberto Philag and introduced to Herbwarden Brianne. She has plans for widespread application of a cure for Goblin Fever . They bring her back to Suentina .

  Wolf Pack travels north from Tabora . They collect the last of their magic items that were under construction. 

Everyone meets at the army encampment surrounding the city.  Regen Edrin Hennigar is against sending anyone into the city.  All earlier instances of Goblin Fever  have been allowed to run its course.  Edmund Hennigar  is adamant that they can save more of the populace and resolve the situation more quickly.  In the end, Edmund Hennigar  and Herbwarden Brianne  deliver instructions for crafting and distributing large volumes of the cure inside the city.  The Wolf Pack  slips into the city.

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