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Mugging a Priest in Hammerdal

Criminal Activity


Cork enlists a few other members of the local thieve's guild to mug Tripitika as he crosses Hammerdal . The mugging is foiled by Zizi , Dax , and Dante .

Hearing rumors about Father Henry Lukas gathering gold from the church of Forsett 's accounts in town, he surmises that the gold will be moved out of town. He gathers a few companions to assist him in mugging the priest.

Attacking a priest is specifically against the orders of the guild, so Gunthar Dumas pays Dax to interrupt the mugging.

At the same time, Hughbert London reaches out to his old aquaintance Dante , hoping to enlist his aid in protecting Tripitika on his travels. Hughbert London is a bit torn, feeling he should assist Tripitika but having no desire to travel to Kalte .

Cork does indeed attack but the mugging is quickly thwarted. Two of his companions are slain, two are taken prisoner, and Cork slips away. Hughbert London is grievously wounded in the attack.

The next night, fearing they may be followed, Zizi , Tripitika , Dante , and Dax leave Hammerdal behind and set out for Port Bax .

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