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The Mead Must Flow

Political event


Just outside of Good Mead , a giant steals a mead shipment destined for Easthaven , killing Speaker Kamalik Rialbarrow in the process.

The Antiquarian Association tracks down the giant, and kill him and his troll allies. They recover the mead, several farm animals, and return them all to Good Mead .

Just outside of Good Mead , a giant steals a mead shipment destined for Easthaven , killing Speaker Kamalik Rialbarrow in the process. Four townsfolk give chase, but are slain by ice trolls less than an hour outside of town.

  The Antiquarian Association and Striper find the remains of the four townspeople and return them to Good Mead . There, they hear about the death of the Speaker. Striper stays in town to help settle the town affairs, while the The Antiquarian Association resupplies and heads back out after the giant.

They track the giant down to a small series of caves. They enter the caves, quickly alarming the giant, who calls for aid. The Antiquarian Association slays the giant, a large bear, and two ice trolls. They then recover the mead, and return to Good Mead with the giant's goats and sheep.

As the group rests in town, they are approached by Shandar Froth , who requests their assistance in running for the role of Interim Speaker of Good Mead . They reject his request based on his bribery attempt and his ties to Targos . They throw their subtle support to Olivessa Tan . They arrange to be seen with her, and start a small whisper campaign against Shandar Froth .

The day before the election finds the group standing with Shandar Froth against a group of troublemakers from Easthaven . The violence ends quickly, with Shandar Froth escorting the "Easters" our of town. Tripitika voices his suspicions but in the end, Shandar Froth wins the election for Speaker.

Related Location
Good Mead
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Magnamund World History
The Antiquarian History