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Striper is a Kai Lord from Sommerlund . He graduated from the Kai Monastery with a focus on Psychoportation Discipline .

Since psychoportation is so rare, the Kai masters were hoping he would remain at the Kai Monastery . Instead, Striper joined with two of his friends to form the Somer Boys .

In early MS 5097, He barely escaped the betrayal by Dzaan that resulted in the death of the rest of the Somer Boys . Only with Donto 's warning was Striper able to teleport away. He wandered across the Hrod Basin, suffering exposure and exhaustion before arriving back in Easthaven .

After recovering, he offered to accompany the The Antiquarian Association back to the site of Dzaan 's betrayal. He left with them in February of MS 5097, and acquitted himself in a combat with zombies at The Black Cabin . At the The Lost Spire , he killed Wrigley in a rage and revenge for the slain Somer Boys .

He is slowly regaining his confidence and has taken up residence in Good Mead .
Current Location
Year of Birth
5062 MS 35 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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