Darkwood and Delusions


The band of adventurers undertook a task to retrieve a limb of a darkwood tree from far within the Bramble Thicket for Professor Lunadream of the Alderidge Academy. The plantlife resisted and the return to the alderidge was obfuscated by the illusions of pixies.

The band of adventurers undertook a task to retrieve a limb of a darkwood tree from far within the Bramble Thicket for Professor Lunadream of the Alderidge Academy. Upon beginning to harvest the tree, a plethora of sentient tree-lings took offense to the situation. The tree itself surged out roots and vines to stop the party in their tracks. Their wagon became immobilized and their donkey was eviserated by the barbed tendrils of the wilds. Deryn freed the vehicle and pulled it onward herself in a feat of glory.   On the return trip, the party was assaulted by a monstrouse insectoid with massive pillars for legs. As the party fought, they took blows from unknow sources. It was only through keen discernment that they found their visions wrong, illusory hallucinations sent from pixies wishing to have fun. The party made a deal for passage if Torinn could beat them in a game of tug-of-war. This seemed paltry until the three pixies polymorphed into a giant octopus, a gorilla, and a bull. Through incredible might, Torinn won single handedly.

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