Hidden Waters

This timeline details the major events in the story of the Hidden Waters

Age of Community

6501 and beyond

  • 1021 AC

    15 New Growth
    1021 AC

    21 Blossoms

    The Everstorm Ends
    Geological / environmental event

    The eternal, riotous precipitation in the center of The Everstorm Sea ceases. Waters typically treacherous become passible and waters never seen draw the attention of those seeking glory and fortune.   With the closing of the Everstorm, the waters of the sea continued to flow outward in all directions through the channels causing a lowering of the sea level. Ports were dropped, shorelines altered, and a general panic swept the area as something so central to mortal lives and their understanding suddenly changed.

  • 1021 AC

    21 Blossoms

    The Everstorm Resumes
    Geological / environmental event

    After a period of over one month of turmoil, the Everstorm resumes it's precipitation after a band of heroes fended off the attempted incursion of Gresn'Ilknus, The Elemental Chaos .