Big History

This timeline records the major events of history. The changing of ages, the rise and fall of empires, and the threats that shape the world can be seen here. The actions of individual adventuring parties that are recorded here not only changed their lives but the lives of other heroes they will never meet.

Age of Heroism

5000 6000

  • 100 AH

    700 AH

    Wyrm Winnowing Begins
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Wyrm Winnowing begins roughly at this time.

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  • 700 AH

    Wyrm Winnowing Ends
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Wyrm Winnowing ends roughly around this time.

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  • 973 AH

    Fields of Ichor: Battle of the Abtinar Fields
    Military: War

    The Storm Broken Lands are invaded by a force of demons across the Abtinar Fields.  Continental empires and regional powers would join together to drive off the horde but not before populations were devastated and the war-torn lands would be permanently polluted by the demon ichor that flooded the fields of the dead.

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  • 987 AH

    The Kingdom of Adossag Founded

    The kingdom of Adossag was founded within an isolated woodland  by a human community driven out from their lands after the Fields of Ichor consumed their homeland.

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Age of Isolation

6001 6500

  • 58 AI

    Adossag's Pyre: The Pyrewood is Born

    The kingdom of Adossag falls to a devastating curse in it's third monarch's reign. The sudden collapse of the society and it's curse would be the soil that grew the Pyrewood Mounds.

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  • 356 AI

    The Second Society of Adossag Founded

    During the end imperial collapses of the Age of Isolation, a congregation of orchard elves chose to abandon the Phaloxil to secretly start their own state in the Pyrewood. Trusting in their natural skills, they saw the sick forest as an opportunity for a fresh start for both of them.  The caravan of elves leaving Phaloxil would be lost to history until Myska's Menagerie found their civilzation

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Age of Community

6501 and beyond

  • 13 AC

    Treaty of Prism
    Diplomatic action

    Made in 13 AC to secure safety during it's expansion, the Grand Duke of Phaloxil made a diplomatic treaty with the King of Riscor-Calashen and the Court of Currents. Phaloxil sought to expand its control once again across the Storm Broken Lands after the close of the Age of Isolation. The pact assured the societies to the south that it would not claim control or influence over the border lands between the nations.

  • 48 AC

    Exodus of Dul Kag
    Cultural event

    A majority of the dwarves of Kag Bhurim would leave their isolated city of Dul Kag to seek out a fresh start in the growing city of New Derth .

  • 137 AC

    Second Adossag Collapse in the Pyrewood

    The Second Society of Adossag would perish in the Pyrewood unknown to the outside world and unmourned.

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  • 694 AC

    Betrayal of the Shid
    Religious event

    The undersea god of Zhalvazho known as the Shid was betrayed by its island followers.  As it was called out to worship, a mighty hunter of the Cosyen Kingdom attempted to fell it with a barbed harpoon of Orichalcum.  The now Wounded God abandoned his treacherous island worshippers and retreated to the depths of the world.  In the Shid's absence, the three islands were destroyed by storms, illness and invaders.  These fell islands would come to be the uninhabitable Dire Chain.

  • 729 AC

    Kingdom of Cosyen Falls into the Ocean

    Upon the northwest corner of the continental Zhalvazho, the peninsular nation of Cosyen crumbles from the continent into the ocean below forming the Cosyen Debris.

  • 971 AC

    SIMs First Constructed in Lacington
    Discovery, Scientific

    Alston of Lacington creates the first successful generally viable, nonmalicious construct workers for possible use in hazardous conditions.

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  • 992 AC

    Sapience of SIMs Discovered
    Discovery, Scientific

    The first SIM of the 100 Series thought to gain sapience of their own volition. Mass Construction of the 300 series put on hold to allow time to check the truth of the situation. Further awakening of SIMs triggered a new revolution in philosophies throughout the city.

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  • 1021 AC

    15 New Growth
    1021 AC

    21 Blossoms

    The Everstorm Ends
    Geological / environmental event

    The eternal, riotous precipitation in the center of The Everstorm Sea ceases. Waters typically treacherous become passible and waters never seen draw the attention of those seeking glory and fortune.   With the closing of the Everstorm, the waters of the sea continued to flow outward in all directions through the channels causing a lowering of the sea level. Ports were dropped, shorelines altered, and a general panic swept the area as something so central to mortal lives and their understanding suddenly changed.

  • 1021 AC

    25 New Growth
    1021 AC

    27 New Growth

    The Temple of the Ascendant Watch
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Fractured Pack take a job within the Sunken Ceshau to clear a newfound temple of it's hazards to allow a sage to safely study it's history. Within, the heroes destroyed a colony of blights that had taken the above ground ruins for their home before descending beneath to finding their way through the initiation gauntlet.   The temple proved to be a secret cult that contorted the views of Pelor and Sehanine to take their ardent followers and corrupt them. The mastermind of the cult was a Rakshasa servant of Zehir, the Cloaked Serpent. Despite the cult being long dead and signs of the worship room's inhabitants and altar being smited by divine fire, the Rakshasa Voriski was still within the temple. When first found, the Voriski appeared before them as a trapped angel seeking release. The heroes saw through the ploy though, refusing to release her. Escaping her grasp, they returned to the excavation's Sage Klofevar Inkdrivel for guidance on how to handle the trapped Rakshasa.

  • 1021 AC

    21 Blossoms

    The Everstorm Resumes
    Geological / environmental event

    After a period of over one month of turmoil, the Everstorm resumes it's precipitation after a band of heroes fended off the attempted incursion of Gresn'Ilknus, The Elemental Chaos .

  • 1021 AC

    First Harvest

    Founding of the Silver Wardens and Warden's Hold

    The party of adventurers have committed themselves to these people and take Argenhill as their own.  Taking the name of the Silver Wardens, they have formally dedicated themselves to each other and towards virtuous and glorious deeds they can accomplish together.

  • 1021 AC

    19 First Harvest

    Soultrembling and Presence Ending.
    Political event

    The party's social mistake with Noraferox within the Clan Kloughda Burrow exposed them to a greater example of her nightmarish title of Soultrembler.  All of the Silver Wardens except for Deryn fell prey to her night terrors but in the end made a deal to free the surrounding lands of her presence for 100 years and to free the Haggards from their deal.

  • 1021 AC

    3 The Turning

    The Shrill and the Void Gullet
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 1022 AC

    13 New Growth

    The Discovery of Vicugan
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Silver Wardens discover the lost dwarven city of Vicugan in the Zin Zareth. Deep in the sands, a regional bank of illusion hides the plateau the city is built next to and within. A buried outer city is separated from the inner city by a defended gate within the plateau.

  • 1022 AC

    16 New Growth

    Cleansing of the Restoration Pool
    Religious event

    Delving too far and too fast into Vicugan after the loss of Silug's Siphon, Valen took the brunt of a Neothelid's psionics and was Feebleminded.  The Silver Wardens were forced to turn back to the temple of Sol.  The performed a ritual to purifying the Pool of Restoration from Marnusht's influence and save Valen's mind.

  • 1022 AC

    16 New Growth 19:00

    Superego VS Id
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Silver Warden's descended into the temple of Marnusht, That Which Desires , battled against his high priest, and sacrifice themselves through the Power of Friendship to banish his influence from Vicugan once and for all.

  • 1032 AC

    21 Blossoms

    Maha Sardar of the Saquris Cross, Bactran, Murdered
    Political event

    Maha Sardar of the Saquris Cross, Bactran, was poisoned within the Spor Solanu bathouse and gymnasium. The murder was aided by chaos elsewhere in the his district as a public health distubrance was performed at the Lady's Charity Casino drawing away guards and specialists to aid in that investigation.

  • 1032 AC

    26 Blossoms

    The New Society of Adossag Discovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    The forgotten existence of the New Society of Adossag was discorvered by the Crystal Shadows .

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  • 1033 AC

    5 The Thaw

    Razing of Fort Guillon
    Disaster / Destruction

    Fort Guillon was burnt to the ground by Hrthlnax, the Molten Tide.  This red dragon attack marks the first dragon siting over a major urban city in over in over 1000 years.  Dragons are few and far between.  The Molten Tide had never been seen before and attacked out of the blue with a furry.

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  • 1037 AC

    1 High Sun
    1037 AC

    3 High Sun

    Phaloxil v. Doga
    Civil action

    The trial of Captain Ira Doga, the Culture Closer, occurs in Phaloxil.

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