Dvergr Species in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Dvergr stand between 4.5 and 5 feet tall and their most distinctive characteristics are their blue skin and their men grow beards magnificent beards. It is said that they could die of shame if they were subjected to shaving. They have a tendency toward gold lust and have committed their share of rash and greedy acts. Among these was the dispute over the Nauglamír.   Dvergr generally lived far from the sea and avoided getting on boats, as they disliked the sound of the ocean and are afraid of drowning as they cannot swim. Of the people of the Realms, Dvergr are the amongst the most resistant to corruption and influence of chaos.

Skills and Industries

Dvergr are attracted to the substances of the earth and crafts. They mine and work precious metals throughout the mountains of every realm in which they dwell. They were considered unrivalled in arts such as smithing, crafting, metalworking, and masonry, even by the Elves.   The Mountain Dvergr are the greatest miners ever to exist in all the realms, building immense halls under mountains where they build their holds. They have built many famed halls including the fairest dwellings of Astari kings.   In the tempering of steel alone of all crafts the Dvergr have yet to be outmatched even by the Elves, and in the making of mail of linked rings, which was first contrived by the smiths of the Firebrands, their work has no rival.   They are also capable masons and smiths - Dvergr smithing skills were said to be unrivalled, and their masonry creations were bested by none. The crafting skills of the Dvergr were unmatched; they crafted objects of great beauty out of gems and metals. They crafted many famed weapons, armours, and items of art and beauty, among them Flœdr, the sword of King Ingvar, the Dragon-helm of Dor-lómin and the necklace Nauglamír, the most prized treasure in Nargothrond and the most famed Dvergr work of the Elder Days.


The Dvergr are known to be strong, resistant to fire and frost. They were hardier than any other race, secretive, stubborn, and steadfast in enmity or loyalty.   The Dvergr are described as "the most redoubtable warriors of all the Speaking Peoples" - a warlike race who would fight fiercely against whoever aggrieved them including Dvergr of other clans. Highly skilled in the making of weapons and armour, their main weapon is the battle axe, but they also use bows, swords, shields, and mattocks.


The lifespan of Dvergr, on average, is 300 years. Occasionally they will live up to 350 years (comparable to a Human man living to 100).   Until they were around 50 years of age, Dvergr were considered too young for heavy labour or war. By the age of 50, Dvergr were hardened into the appearance that they would keep for most of their lives. Between the approximate ages of 50 and 240, most Dvergr were equally hale and able to work and fight with vigour.   Although Dvergr did not often suffer from diseases, corpulence could affect them. In prosperous circumstances, many grew fat by the age of 200 and became physically inept.


Dvergr didn't easily form bonds with animals, not even harbouring dogs and will not mount a horse willingly. For this reason they find the Astari useful trade allies. Whenever the Dvergr are unable to barter for grain, they practiced agriculture using a plough-like tool that they invented. However, Dvergr do not enjoy doing such labour.


The Dvergrs' numbers, although they sometimes flourish, often faced periods of decline, especially in periods of war. The slow increase of their population was due to the rarity of Dvergr-women, who make up only about a tenth of the total population. Dvergr seldom wedded before the age of ninety or more, and rarely had so many as four children. They took only one husband or wife in their lifetime, and were jealous, as in all matters of their rights. The number of Dvergr-men that married is actually less than half, for not all Dvergr-women took husbands; some desired none, some wanted one they could not have and would have no other. Many Dvergr-men do not desire marriage because they were absorbed in their work.   Dvergr-women often fill the role of merchents and traders.   Dvergr are fiercely devoted to their parents and children. In their desire for their children to grow up hardy and enduring, they may treat them harshly, but they will protect them at all costs. Dvergr resent injuries to their children and to their parents more than injuries to themselves.


Dvergr worship their ancestors.


The Dvergr believed that the reappearance of the person of one of the Dvergr-fathers (in the lines of their kings), is not one of re-birth, but of the preservation of the body of a former king, to which at intervals their spirit would return.


Article: Dvergmêr
The Dvergr language was called Dvergmêr. It was a strange language to Elves and Men, and few non-Dvergr learn it, because it was difficult and the Dvergr kept it secret, preferring to communicate in the languages of their neighbours. Only one Dvergmêr phrase was well known to outsiders: the ancient battle cry: "Baruk Khazuk! Dvergr ai-mênu!", which means "Axes of the Ancestors! The Dvergr are upon you!". The Dvergr taught Dvergmêr carefully to their children, as a learned language, not a cradle-tongue, and thus the language changed very little over the ages, unlike those of other races. The Dvergr also devised a secret language of gestures to communicate between themselves in silence, the Iglishmêr.   Dvergr have great interest in languages since their first contact with other peoples and have good hability to pronounce foreigner sounds from other languages. However, they could not conceal their voices, which were deep in tone, with laryngeal coloration, so among themselves they can even speak with a laryngeal whisper.  


ability score increase: Your Constitution score increases by 2
age: Dvergr mature at the same rate as humans, but they're considered young until they reach the age of 50. They can live up to 350 years.
alignment: They can be anything but they tend to be lawful
Size: Medium
speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write in Astari and Dvergmêr
sub races:

race features:
Dvergr Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against Fire and Cold, and you have resistance against Fire and Cold damage.  Dvergr Magic: When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Enlarge/Reduce spell on yourself once using this trait, using only the spell's enlarge option as a bonus action. For 1 minute, you magically increases in size, along with anything you are wearing or carrying. While enlarged, the you are considered Large, double your damage dice on Strength-based weapon attacks, and make Strength checks and Strength saving throws with advantage. If you lack the room to become Large, you must pass a Strength check based on what is containing you. You regain the ability to use this spell after you finish a long rest.  Dvergr Combat Training. You have proficiency with Handaxes, Axes, Battleaxe, Greataxes, Daggers, Seaxs, Swords, Shields, Hammers, Two Handed Hammers, and Warhammers.  Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with the artisan's tools of your choice: smith's tools, brewer's supplies, or mason's tools.  Fear of Horses. Dvergr mistrust horses and refuse to ride them. They will allow themselves to be pulled in a horse drawn cart or carriage.  Hardy. You are immune to the first 2 levels of Exhaustion.  Heightened Density. Dvergr are closer to beings of stone rather than flesh and so sink like rocks in water, though you can still move. Once you are submerged, you begin to suffocate.

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