Session 2 Report in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Session 2

General Summary

May 14th (continued)

  As the party leaves their meeting with Theren they are pensive and quiet, but leaving his home in the branches of the giant beech tree, they are treated to the mocking laughter of the elves who escorted them there.
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One says in the Syndarin language, "The Astari breathes so loudly we could have hit him blindfolded."
One makes a joke that all but Gunnar understand and none share with him its meaning.   Finrod addresses Asmund and says that if Theren is finished with them, it is now him they shall answer too. He asks why he has brought outsiders into their midst. Asmund explains that his companions helped him in a battle that broke out in the wake of Haleth's wedding.   At this Gunnar introduces himself and says that he comes bearing greetings from Jarl Asger Jorikson of Buskagar. Finrod coldly replies that he is the first Astari to be allowed to enter their Sanctuary in living memory and his conduct will determin whether he will be allowed to leave.   He looks to Isa and they speak briefly in the Vestari language, which only they seem to understand.   Finally, he looks to Bairrfhionn. Finrod is able to dissern by his baring and his look that he is a fellow wood elf and asks him where he comes from.   Bairrfionn declines to answer.   Before the interogation can continue, Margu flies up to Isa. Perching on her staff's head, Margu informs Isa through their mental link that a storm is rolling down from the north. Isa relays this information to the others and at this Finrod asks Asmund where they intend to take shelter.   Asmund says that they will stay with his aunt, Althaea. This statement is punctuated by a loud boom of thunder from the north, where dark clouds are rolling down from the mountains, just as Margu warned. Both seem to disturb Finrod and his fellow elves.   Finrod informs the party that if any harm befalls Althaea that they will not be allowed to leave the sanctuary alive before allowing them to continue.   By the time the party has reached the base of the tree the rain has begun to fall, wind has started to blow, and dark clouds have rolled in over-head. Gunnar informs them as Asmund leads the way through the sanctuary that he believes this storm is could be a Thórmouth, a powerful thunderstorm that lasts for several hours.   After a hurried walk of a few minutes, they arrive at the tree Asmund identifies as belonging to his family, seemingly on the eastern edge of the sanctuary. He leads them through the door at the trees's base and up the stairs to a second door, upon which he playfully knocks.   A moment later, the door opens and they are greeted by a dark haired, heavily pregnant elf who immediately expresses relief at seeing Asmund returned home. Asmund speaks to her warmly and asks his aunt if they could have shelter from the storm for the night. Althaea immediately welcomes the first friends Asmund has brought home in some time.   As they enter, however, Gunnar is immediately grabbed by a blonde haired male elf who slams him up against the tree's trunk beside the door. He holds him by the shoulder with one hand and in the other an elven short sword who's blade touches the young alle's neck. Gunnar sees a frightening willingness to open his throat in the elf's eyes. Isa is audibly startled and Bairrfhionn reaches for Svanrand's handle, looking to Asmund for a sign of what to do.   "Astari," the elf growls in Gunnar's face, clearly only expecting the worst of him and his people.   Asmund places his hand on his uncle's shoulder and insists that Gunnar is an ally of his and means no harm. Gunnar attempts to speak to the truth of Asmund's words but is silenced by Asmund's uncle, who demands in the Syndari language an explanation from his nephew for bringing an armed Astari into his home with his pregnant wife.   Althaea loudly and angrily adresses Elladan by name and at this he seems humbled.   "Min mel..." he says.   Althaea firmly demands her husband release Gunnar at once and he obeys. She apologizes on his behalf before insisting that Elladan do the same. He says nothing but lowers his head in a small recognition that he had acted hastily. Gunnar is quick to regain his composure and offers an apology of his own, stating that he is a stranger here but comes in peace. Addressing Elladan, he also says that he would never begrudge a man protecting the home of his family before removing his weapons and setting them by the door, a gesture that seems to put Elladan more at ease.   Asmund apologizes for dropping in unannounced and but Althaea insists they have nothing to apologize for and instructs Elladan to begin preparing a meal for all of them to share.   Asmund quickly follows Elladan as the latter walks into the pantry. The half-elf apologizes to his uncle and offers him the bag of pipeweed he bought in town. The high-elf weighs it in his hand and smiles at his nephew. Elladan places his hand on Asmund's shoulder and tells him its good to have him home.   As Bairfhionn, Isa, and Gunnar settle in, Althaea notes that Isa looks like a Seiðr, which she confirms with a smile. As Bairfhionn begins working on a map and the two apothecaries begin discussing ingredients. Asmund and Elladan return from the pantry with hands filled with ingredients for a stew and Gunnar approaches them, asking if there is a place nereby to pray in the storm.   Asmund leads him to the base of the tree but as soon as they arrive, Gunnar begins to strip completely naked in the pouring rain as it falls on a steep angle from the wind. Asmund stops him, saying that he will take him further way if he intends to strip. The two walk further from the tree until they are almost completely out of sight; then Asmund gives Gunnar leave as he attempts to find shelter from the rain and not trusting the alle to find his way back himself.   Gunnar finishes removing his clothes, kneels on both knees on the muddy groud and spreads his arms as he cranes his neck upward toward the sky. The harshness of the rain seems to not phase him as he sits in silenet prayer for several minutes, slowly switching between out-stretching his arms and glasping his hands together.   Asmund watches on from the shelter of a nearby tree with some facination. This is the first time he has seen someone pray to an Æsir. Once the alle finishes his prayer, he begins to put his clothes back on and the two return to the tree.   Gunnar and Asmund return to find Isa and Althaea huddled together, Bairfhionn working on a map, and Elladan stirring a pot of stew that sits over the firepace set into the tree's trunk while smoking from a long, curved stemmed pipe.   Gunnar moves to dry himself by the fire and apologizes again to Elladan for startelling him. The elf responds by retreiving a pair of wooded cups from a compartment hidden within the tree's bark and filling them with mead, which he also poors from within the tree. He offers one to Gunnar, raises his, and says, "skol," a sentiment Gunnar returns with a smile. As Gunnar lets the mead pass his lips, he is instantly sure that he has never tasted any mead so good.   Althaea and Isa continue to discuss ingrediants, a conversation that Asmund listens to with clear interest. After an hour has passed since their arrival, Bairrfhionn announces his map is done and invites the others to examine it.   Spread upon the table is a beautifully rendered map of the Nærøyfjord. Gunnar compliments him on its quality before retrieving his map of the wider kingdom of Rogaland. Bairrfhionn asks if he can combine it with a map he has created from the eastern side of the Keel, to which Gunnar agrees.   As Bairrfhionn sets to his new task, Asmund finally adresses the party as a whole and asks what is to be done once the storm passes. Isa entertains that they perhaps continue northwards, but Gunnar insists that they honor their promise to report back to Jarl Asger.   "And then what?" asks Bairrfhionn.   No one has an answer.   Althaea, picking up on their solemn tone, asks if it is true that some misfortune befell Haleth's wedding and Asmund begins to slowly tell her the story. As Asmund speaks, Elladan begins to serve dinner while also keeping a conspicuous eye on Althaea's reaction. Bairrfhionn clears his cartography tools from the table to make room and everyone begins to gather around. The story seems to have a deep impact on the pregnant elf, who slowly transitions from looking into Asmund's eyes to looking pensively into the steaming bowl of stew her husband places before her.   "Haleth..." breathes Althaea, "she must be in so much pain." Tears well in her eyes.   "Pain she bears for the choices she made," says Elladan, in Syndari. "This should be a time of celebration for you and the whole clan, but instead all anyone can speak of is: "Poor Theren's daughter"."   Althaea gives him a chiding glance, while Isa detects jealousy in the elf's tone and cocks an eyebrow. "How? How did you convince her you could help her?" asks Althaea, seeming almost incredulous as she looks up to Asmund.   "I... I did not," admits Asmund, unable to meet her gaze.   This answer seems to suprise Althaea all the more. She looks from Asmund to his three companions. "Who was it?" she asks, her soft, gentle voice demanding an answer.   At this question, Gunnar hesitates, and Bairrfhionn speaks up.   "T'was Gunnar who convinced her not to dispair."   Althaea casts her large, green eyes over to Gunnar. "You?" she asks, clearly suprised.   "It was nothing," says Gunnar bashfully. "I merely told her that we would return to see Ulfjolt set free. And we shall."   "And she believed you?" says Althaea, as if in awe.   "Aye. Is that so hard to believe?" asks Gunnar.   "It is," says Althaea, clearly seeing the young Astari not realize the full meaning of his words. "It is no small thing. There are only two ways an elf can die; we can be slain... or... we can suffer a lose so deep that we... fade."   Gunnar seems to finally begin to understand, "You mean...?"   Althaea gives Asmund a glance before looking back to Gunnar and saying in voice heavy with loss, "My older sister died this way."   The statement hangs over the table. Elladan places a hand softly on Althaea's arm, silently begging her to not get further upset. With a deep breath, Elladan speaks the first words in the Astari language that Asmund has ever heard him speak, "Haleth should have known the danger of loving one so soon to die.     "Everyone thinks they know best around here," says Bairrfhionn.     As the party prepares to take their night's rest, Asmund shivers as a familiar emotional touch creeps into his and Althaea's awareness. Both look to the door but Althaea is the only one who seems brave enough to answer it. Standing in the doorway, clearly wet from the rain, is a red haired elf-woman dressed in green robes with bare feet and clutching a simple wooden staff. Her face is implacable and her large green eyes scan the room. Asmund, Isa, Althaea and Elladan know this to be Morwen Vesstandotr, High Seiðr of the Galanodel clan, wife of Theren and mother to Haleth and Rínn. Althaea nervously greets her as Elladan rises from his seat and the rest of the party comes to see the new arrival.   Morwen looks to Althaea and apologizes for intruding before asking if she can come in. Althaea quickly obliges and stands aside, letting the elder elf saunter to the center of the room. Morwen casts her eyes over to Isa. With a hint of menace in her voice, Morwen asks, "Isa... you acted as celebrant in the wedding of my daughter and Ulfjolt Ragison?"   With all the discomfort of a child caught a deception, Isa awkwardly admits, "I... did."   Morwen blinks for the first time since entering the dwelling before asking simply, "Why?"   Isa seems more intimidated then she was with Theren asked her a similar question. After taking a moment to steel herself, she answers, "They asked me to. They said they were in love, and I believe them."   Morwen seems to consider Isa's responce carefully before looking to Asmund and saying, "Asmund... good of you to bring my daughter home..." Her voice takes on a darker quality before continuing, "but she was not yours to take."   Asmund apologizes and bows his head, his demeanor mirroring the Vestari's.   Morwen then looks from Asmund back to Isa. She seems to study the younger seiðr for a long monent before saying, "Something has changed about you."   "I... I think not," says Isa, not sure what the elf refers to. "I am unchanged since we last spoke."   "No," says Morwen with certainty, "there is." She raps her staff on the floor before saying, "come," and turning to lead Isa out through the door.   Isa hestitates for a moment before following; Gunnar, Asmund, and Bairrfhionn in tow. Outside the tree, rain continues to fall and Morwen walks to a smaller tree in the surrounding garden. She steps behind the tree's trunk as an elf, but emerges on the other side as a wolf, light brown with a copper tinge coloring her fur. She stares at Isa, as if waiting for something.   Isa takes a deep breath, steps into the rain, cranes her neck upward, and closes her eyes. In her mind, she forms an image of a wolf and commits to it with her whole heart before her eyes snap open. She falls onto all fours and in an instant takes on the form of a wolf herself, her clothes and staff receading into her as a gray coat with a slight yellowishness emerges in its place.   With both their transformations complete, Morwen wheels in a tight circle before running off into the woods and Isa gives chase, leaving Gunnar, Asmund and Bairrfhionn stupified in the tree's doorway. Gunnar, who had been smoking his pipe, empties it, as if blaming it for what he had just seen.   Isa follows Morwen, the two wolves run between the trees until they run alongside one another. Isa is amazed to find that no matter how fast she runs, her legs do not seem to get tired, and each paw-step fills her heart more and more with a primal joy.   Just as the exaultation becomes almost intoxicating, Morwen moves ahead of Isa and comes to a stop under the shelter of the low-hanging branch of a tree. Isa is barely able to avoid bumping into her as she slides to a hault and lets slip a small whine looking into Morwen's eyes for an explanation.   Morwen sits to face Isa and closes her eyes. Isa does the same and when she does, she finds that she can see with her nose as well as, if not better than, when they were open. Listening closely, she can hear the shape of the world around her as the rain falls onto it.   Just as her surroundings begin to fully come into view in her mind's eye, Isa feels Morwen's cold nose tap against her own. Sniffing and shaking her head, Isa opens her eyes and sees Morwen dart off once again into the ferns and trees. Isa quickly hops back to her four feet and bounds after her.   The two run through the forest until the wind and rain have lost their forosity. They run until a herd of elk scatters before them, calves pleading after their mothers.   Isa notices Morwen move slightly away from her side and then sees her return to her true form without stopping her stride. She takes three large wheeling steps before diving into the air and transforming into a falcon. With a beat of her wings, Morwen returns to Isa, dropping slightly infront of her as they continue through the trees.   After losing track of how long return to the sanctuary.             "But Asmund... you should know that the person my husband and daughter last spoke of was not Ulfjolt Ragison. It was you." Morwen picks up the pitcher of rain-water and begins to pour it into the basin. Slowly raising the pitcher up and down as she empties it, she says, "Mirror of Freyja... show them... the night my daughter left home."   As the last drop that falls from the pitcher's rim hits the surface of the water, a faint glow begins to extend outwards from the basin. Everyone leans in as the patterns in the wood beneath the water begin to form into figures and a scene comes into view.   Theren leads Haleth up a familiar flight of stairs and into the room at the top of their family's tree. Shutting the door behind them, Theren turns sharply to Haleth and says, "Daughter, I have been patient with you but this... this is far beyond... I know you think you love him now, but if you heed me, before you know it, he will be but a distant memory."   "You have not even met him, father. He is honorable, honest, kind, and... he is good to me. Why is that not enough for you?"   "Because, if what you say is true, you have not thought of what the world will become to you in the wake of his passing. I have afforded you plenty of freedom, even tolerated you taking an adult name, though you clearly have not earned it. I have let you come and go from this sanctuary as you please, despite my better judgement. I have been good to your friend, Asmund, and I have done so because he is your friend. If you insists on following this path, against my warnings, then you will be banished. Marry him... and this will no longer be your home."   "If you refuse to come and offer us your blessing, then I will never forgive you. You and mother barely even speak to one another anymore, so do not talk to me about love." She turns to leave but stops before touching the door's handle. Turning back to face her father, Haleth says disdainfully, "Oh... and you have not been," she pauses, as if unable to believe his self-characterization, "good to Asmund. You have treated him like a stray dog his whole life. He has never felt welcome in this community and it is because of you." She says the last words with excruciating pain in her voice before turning, opening the door and slamming it behind her.   The vision in the water follows her as she hurriedly decends the stairs of the tree to a room that seems to be hers. She grabs a satchel and stores a small collection of personal items in it before preparing to leave through the door she came through. She takes one last look around the room and says as she dips her head, "I wish he and I could be together...through all the ages of this world..."   She closes the door behind herself as she leaves the room and the vision in the water begins to fade. When everyone looks up from the bason, Morwen is nowhere to be seen.      

May 15th

  The next morning, the party sit to a bowl of apple oatmeal.       As Asmund places the bouquet at the feet of the statue and lowers his head, Isa takes note of the flowers and mutters something absent mindedly. Bairrfhionn hears her and asks her to repeat herself.   "Niviarsiaq..." she says in a voice only loud enough for the elf to hear, "for young women in love... Orvokki... for the orphan children of the world..."   As Asmund raises his head and rejoins the party, Gunnar asks him if the woman depicted was someone he had known. Asmund says he did not.   The party walks for four hours though the still damp forest before Asmund announces they have nearly reached their destination for the night.   "Very well," says Bairrfhionn suddenly, "if no one else will ask, I shall: who was that woman whose statue you bid farewell to?"   Asmund is caught off guard by the Wathe's directness and before he can answer, Isa speaks up in his place. "Obviously," she says, in an almost scolding tone, "she was his mother."   Gunnar and Bairrfhionn seem genuinely surprised and look to Asmund, who walks at the head of the party. He does not deny it.   "You said you did not know her," says Gunnar, sounding confused.   "I did not," replies Asmund as he leds them to another tree with a hollow under its base, "she died when I was born."   Bairrfhionn, Isa and Gunnar all miss a step as Asmund removes his pack from his shoulders and sits in a slump inside the hollow, his still hooded head held low. Gunnar approaches, removes his own pack, and sits beside him.   "I am sorry my friend," says the young alle, lowering his head in kind. "If it is any consolation to you, I too know what it means to wonder after parents I shall never meet. I know not who my mother was, nor my father; where they are, whether they are living or dead or if I should mourn or curse them. All is obscure to me." He places a hand on Asmund's shoulder and proclaims with a brave smile, "I say you should be proud to be able to say you are the son of Naivara, sister of Althaea."   Asmund looks at him, not knowing what to say.   As Isa and Bairrfhionn enter the hollow and relieve themselves of their packs, Gunnar looks to them and asks with misty eyes, "Have we all been orphaned?"   "What makes you think that?" asks Bairrfhionn, folding his arms and avoiding Gunnar's gaze.   "The... the fact that we saw Genma murdered," says Gunnar, perplexed, "and even then we knew you to be Genma's fosterson."   Bairfhionn says nothing.   Gunnar then looks to Isa with a questioning gaze.   "Nay, my parents both are living, both love me dearly, and I them," says Isa in an aloof tone.   The bluntness of her answer in contrast to the rest of their realities makes Asmund chuckle, lightening the mood.      

May 16th

  "They are announcing our return," says Gunnar, glancing over his shoulder as he continues towards the town. A moment later, his three companions fall in behind him.     In a salutary gesture of welcome, Asger raises his left hand, silenceing all murmers and errant voices in the crowd.   "Gunnar," says the jarl in a stoic tone, "it is good to see you returned to us whole and unharmed. You spoke true, the young Ulfjolt Ragison is indeed imprisoned in amber. The town's people are anxious and do not know what to believe. Were you successful in reaching the home of the elves and speaking to their chieftain of what occured?"   "We were, my lord," says Gunnar, mustering all the depth and confidence he could into his voice as the lowers his head, "the elves gave us hospitslity and their leader granted us an audience."   "Then share with us what you have learned," says Asger, making a wide, sweeping motion with the back of his hand, clearly giving the young alle the floor.   Gunnar takes a deep breath and a steps forward before raising his voice and turning to address the crowd, "Friends, fellow Buskagari! This day is not as it should be. We should be gathered to celebrate love! To celebrate the Pride of Buskagar, Ulfjolt, son of Helga and Ragi! But instead we mourn! We mourn for the loss of Genma Bjorndotr, a protector many times of Buskagar! We mourn the tragedy that has befallen the house of Ragi. But I do not intend to sit idly and weep!"   Asmund, Isa, and Bairrfhionn each find Gunnar's oratory undeniably impressive, though they each independently choose not to say so.   "Many of you have heard whispers of a visitor to that wedding," Gunnar continues, "One uninvited, but one shown hospitality all the same! This guest appeared in a form that commanded reverence! The form of the Almighty Óðinn! He arrived seeming to punished Ulfjolt for some untold crime. But I am here to tell you that this... monster, was not Óðinn! The Allfather's will cannot be understood or comprehended by mere mortals, true, but he is no Oathbreaker. He would not partake of hospitality from those he intended to harm! The elves' leader agreed as much! He is old and wise and he told us that this beast is one known as as a Lich!"   "A fell user of dark magic that has managed to escape the clutches of death! It must be brought to justice! Must be made to pay for it's blasphemy and pay for the crimes against the House of Ragi, against Buskagar, and against all the Æsir! Grant me leave, Buskagar, to hunt this demon! I shall seek freedom for our imprisoned brother and bring down the vengeance of Thór upon those that would harm my home!"   Murmers sound through the crowd, but are silenced by Asger who raises his left hand with his his right, raps the butt of his axe against the planks beneath his feet, reminding the people that Gunnar had not yeilded his time to speak.   "If you were granted leave, where then would you go?" asks Asger in a low, grim tone.   "The elven chieften, Theren, he says the dvergr of the Firebrand clan know more about amber than any other people, and they mayhaps can offer insight into how to reverse this curse," answers Gunnar. "He also said that there is a great library to the south, between the lands of Hordaland and Telemark. There, many secrets are hidden, and there we may learn the secret to defeating this beast!"   Gunnar says no more, leaving his quest at the mercy of his lord and his people. Murmers again sound through the crowd, and this time Asger makes no effort to silence them. Gunnar looks back to his companions, and they look back to him, none knowing what will come next.   With the sound of a heavy footstep, the crowd is once again silenced as Asger Jorikson begins descending the steps of the great hall. He shifts his axe to his off hand as he approches the party with a serious look to his face. As he reaches Gunnar, he looks down into the young man's eyes and takes a deep breath.   "My boy..." says the jarl in a quiet voice, placing his free right hand on Gunnar's shoulder, "I always knew you would make a fine hero."   Asger raises his voice and adresses the crowd, his stoicism giving way to a suprsingly animated call as he begins to circle between the party and the crowd, "People of Buskagar, hear me now! The imprisoned Ulfjolt Ragison is now under my protection! Any who would molest him during his confinement shall answer to me!" He then points vigorously at the four companions, "These four, set forth to seek the means to release him and the head of the villain responsible for this heinous crime!" He then spreads his arms and faces the whole crowd in a full rotation, before asking in his whole voice, "What say you?!"   For a moment, all is silent as the town's people consider their lord's words. Without warning, a blond haired man with a scared face steps forward, raises his right fist high in the air and shouts, "Aye!"   From the other side of the town's square steps forward Ragi and Helga, who both raise their hands and echo the word, "Aye!"   Inga then raises her hand, along with her 4 oldest childen and all answer, "Aye!"   More people answer with the same; Halfdan the blacksmith, Sigtrygg the backer, Hegelac the shipwright, Gunnar's fellow alle of Asger's hirð, save Fjölnir and Thurmond. Gunnar gives Thurmond a pleading look and he huge man finally raises his fist high and rumbles, "Aye!" and then the crowd erupts with so many "ayes" that it becomes clear that they carry the vote.   Those that might have thought to say "nay" all abstain, seeing the direction of the wind. Most, if not all who do not partake in the vote being devotees of the cult of Óðinn. Fjönir spits. Colborn unfolds his arms and walks back into his temple.   Without warning, the crowd cheers and advances on the party from all directions, each person seemingly set on clasping one or all of the members of the party on the back in congratulations. Gunnar welcomes this, but the others quickly close ranks and seek an escape.   "Shall we meet at the tavern in an hour?" asks Bairrfhionn.   The others agree and head off in different directions; Gunnar towards Lejre, where Asger assends the steps, Bairrfhionn towards the Green Dragon, Isa towards Freyja's temple, and Asmund towards a familiar feeling.  


  Gunnar and Asger walk together through the streets, both smoking their pipes, with Thurmond and Fjölnir following just outside of earshot. Asger chuckles. "Really," he asks puffing on his pipe, "no beds, you say?"   Gunnar grunts and nods. "Aye, my lord. They simply do not share our need of sleep."   "Well done," says the jarl, patting the alle on the shoulder, "truly, well done! There were many who believed that you would not return from your expedition into the forest. No one from this township who has entered the forest looking for the elves has. Did you find them welcoming?"   Gunnar considers his answer carefully, remembering his more colorful interactions, before saying, "I believe I won them over."   "Their leader, this Theren, son of Erdan, is he truly as old and wise and you say?"   "He is, my lord. His age is measured in centuries, he gave us the information we asked for freely and he... he bid us well on our journey."   "Hmm..." Asger strokes his whiskers with his knuckles, "and is it true their mead is finer than what we men can brew?"   Gunnar smiles, happy to have the memory brought back. "My lord... it is the best mead that I have ever tasted."   Asger smiles thoughtfully before saying, "I should like to meet him." He then adopts a more serious tone before continuing, "Though, I must warn you, Gunnar, the land between Hordaland and Telemark is the domain of King Eystein Ironside, and his kingdom is one of those we set out to raid this summer. It might make reaching your destination there more... difficult."   Gunnar nods, noting the name.   "But you mentioned the Firebrands..." says Asger, gesturing towards Gunnar with the steam of his pipe, "I am reminded of last fall... just before you entered my service, there came to visit my hall a dvergr who claimed to be of the Firebrands. He asked for only one thing as my guest: if I could identify a cloak pin he had in his possesion. I confessed I could not, and so he thanked me and took his leave. I asked him where he intended to go next, and he replied he planned to make his way to Bram. If you make your way there, you might be able to find him."   "Thank you, my lord!" yells Gunnar, already on his way to the Green Dragon to share the information.  


  Isa finds herself surrounded, but one of those first to reach her is Helga, and upon  




  Bairrfhionn   Just as the party is finally leaving the stables, Inga appears and grabs Asmund's horse by the reins. This startles both man and beast but Inga quickly calms the animal by placing a firm but gentle hand on its snout. She addresses him using his true name, a name she should not know, causing him to stammer nervously. She playfully silences him, stating that she asked after the guest list at the wedding and found no one there by Sven or Jaimé. Only Asmund was there to attend the bride along with her sister. Asmund is able to regain his composure somewhat and says that he is pleased to see Inga before they left, adding that he has a gift for her. He retrieves a vial of seeds and says that they are sage, noting that she enjoyed the blossoms he planted around her home. She smiles and takes them, adding that she has something for him as well. From the same pouch she uses to store the seeds she retrieves a pair of gold pieces. She instructs him to take care and says she would hate to hear anything had happened to his green-thumbs or the lovely ears he has been hiding. She offers him the coins but as soon as he grabs them she refuses to let go and locks eyes with him. All warmth or friendliness leaves her voice as she says, "Lie to me again... and I'll have you drowned." She lets the coins go, wishes him safe travels, releases his horse's reins and walks away. Gunnar comments that Inga fightens him more than the Jarl before the four begin their ride to Bram.  

May 17th

    Upon entering the village of Hleyp, the party is striken to see many of its sod roof cottages in a state of disrepair. Gunnar comments that the earl of Hleyp is named Ignarfi Ødgerson and notes that, unlike the earls of Bram and Gren, he has not met him since his assention to his station two winters prior. However, as they walk towards the earl's hall, a curious noise fills their ears: the rythmatic striking of a cold hammer against hot iron singing a song as if a whole gang of smiths worked it.   The party chooses to follow the sound until they find themselves before a squat, turf-covered hut with black smoke rising from its stone chimny, a tattered curtain obscuring its enterence. Tentitively, Gunnar pulls aside the cloth screen, casting light into the dark space. The light falls upon the back of a dvergr, his scalp shaved bald and his blue flesh covered in dark runic tattoos.   Just as the light hits him, he ceases his hammering and inspects is work breifly before tossing the horse shoe to a small pial of a dozen others just like it. The dverger then sets his hammer and tongs upon his anvil before saunting over to his forge, removing his gloves and lifting his work goggels before picking up a pipe with one ungloved hand and something within the flames of the forge with the other. Turning to face those that dispelled his darkness, the dvergr lights his pipe with a coal before flicking it back into the fire.   Taking a deep pull from his pipe, he says, "So... you here to make a request or just stare at the blue fella?"   "Vemu atgi gamut sanu yenet! Men bi tnam Gunnar Thórson, ai menu duzhuk!" blurts Gunnar before bowing, only he and the Dvergr understanding the greeting.   The dvergr raises a hand before saying, "I reckon my Astaris is better than your Dvergmêr, thank you very much."   "Forgive me," says Gunnar bashfully in his native language as he leads the way for the rest of the party into the hut. The space is dominated by tools and materials, with a bed in one corner and a beautiful suit of Dvergr Plate armor in another. "We had just arrived in this village and heard what sounded to be a whole team of smiths, and considering we search for one of the Firebrands, a clan known for its metalworkers, we were drawn this way."   "Well look no further, friend, you've found him. Murdaeg of the Firebrand clan, pleasure," says the dvergr, offering Gunnar his arm to clasp. Asmund, Bairrfhionn and Isa all introduce themselves as well, Murdaeg sizing each of them up as they take turns clasping his thick and sweaty forwarm. "So, what is it I can do for you?"   "We seek the knowledge of your people," says Gunnar, "for we have heard that your clan knows the nature of amber better than any other and we have dire need of such wisdom."   "Amber?" asks Murdaeg.   "Aye," says Gunnar, "what do you know of it?"   Murdaeg shrugs as be puffs on his pipe. "T'is a sacred stone, known to represent life, healing, rebirth, and reconciliation between disparate peoples. Its known to have a deep magic. Why?"   "Apologies," says Gunnar, with a measured amount of discomfort, "it is a bit of a long story."   "I'm a mountain dvergr, boy-o," says Murdaeg, pouring himself a cup of water from a wooden pitcher that stands on a small table and worldlessly offering to fill whatever cups his four visitors have, "we like long stories."   Gunnar begins to tell the tale as he and the others remove their packs and retreive their cups. Murdaeg fills them as he listens to Gunnar first explain that he is an alle sworn to Jarl Asger and that four nights prior he attended the wedding of a childhood friend of his on the jarl's behalf. He then tells of how the four of them met there and of Haleth and of Genma. He then tells of the Stranger, and of the price Ulfjolt paid for accepting his gift, and the price Genma paid for denouncing his treachery. He tells of the battle fought and the mounring that followed, of meeting with Asger and then with Theren, learning the Stranger's identity and of the hope of learning the secret to freeing Ulfjolt Ragison.   "That... that is one of the most terrible tales I've ever been told," says Murdaeg, who looks deeply into the bowl of his pipe, "To take a sacred stone and... pervert its meaning?" He cocks his head to the side and spits into the still smoldering coals of the forge to a loud sizzle. "Foul."   "Will you help us then?" asks Isa.   "Truth be told, I don't know if I have any better idea than you lot," says Murdaeg, "but I do believe there are those among my people who may know better, but there lies a problem."   "Which is?" asks Bairrfhionn.   "Well, that's a bit of a story as well," says Murdaeg, refilling his cup.   "Tell us," says Gunnar.   Murdaeg takes a deep breath, half folding his arms while continuing to hold his pipe with its steam in his mouth. "Last autumn, when I sought to pass through this village, I was invited to have a drink with some of the locals. One of them challaged me to empty a whole cask o' mead, and that was a challenge I rose to, but then... one   "You're a prisoner?" asks Asmund.   Before they leave his hut, Murdaeg shows the party a cloak pin, asking if any of them have ever seen it or one like it before, though none have.   The party meets Ignarfi and Gunnar negotiates a deal for Murdaeg's freedom: if they can kill the beast that has been stealing sheep, they can have Murdaeg.   Ignarfi informs Murdaeg of the agreement and tells him that he may help the party, but he cannot leave the village or have the key to his armor until the sheep-thief is dead.   Bairrfhionn, Asmund and Gunnar search for the beast and find signs of a wyrm. Meanwhile, Murdaeg reinforces Gunnar’s shield while Isa makes a vial of Freyja's Tears.   The group reunites at Murdaeg's hut and formulate a plan to use harpoons with chains to immobilize the wyrm. Murdaeg confirms that with help, he could make three harpoons in a day with two extra pairs of hands. Bairrfhionn and Gunnar volunteer.   Asmund asks Murdaeg why he's looking for the owner of his cloak pin. Murdaeg declines to answer.        

May 18th

  The next day, Murdaeg, Bairrfhionn, and Gunnar forge 3 harpoons while Asmund, Isa and Margu keep an eye out for the wyrm.   As evening falls, the party discusses how best to attempt to lure the wyrm, Isa proposing to transform into a sheep to act as bait before Bairrfhionn suggests getting a sheep from Ignarfi for the purpose.   Bairrfhionn requests a sheep to act as bait from Ignarfi and he reluctantly agrees.   Asmund suggests he could pick the lock binding Murdaeg's armor, but Murdaeg rejects the idea.   Bairrfhionn returns with the sheep and Isa attempts and fails to make it feel at ease.   Margu arrives and alerts them to the wyrm's approach.   Gathering their harpoons, the party leaves to confront the wyrm, leaving Murdaeg and the sheep at the forge.   The party confronts the wyrm inside a sheep paddock.   The wyrm charges towards the paddock   Bairrfhionn dashes ahead to get a better shot from inside the paddock. He casts Hunter’s Mark.   Gunnar casts Bless on himself, Isa and Asmund.   Asmund hides behind the paddock's fence he readies his action to attack the wyrm when it breaches the paddock.   Isa casts Entanglement but the wyrm breaks free.   Using its acid breath, the wyrm melts a hole in the paddock's fence.   Asmund hits it with his harpoon as soon as it enters the paddock and tosses the chain to Gunnar, who drops his own harpoon to take it. The wyrm snaps it's jaws at Gunnar, but narrowly misses.   Bairrfhionn drops his harpoon and draws his bow and hits the wyrm with an arrow.   Gunnar struggles to restrain the thrashing wyrm but he succeeds.   Asmund hops the paddock's fence and slashes the wyrm with his short sword.   Isa casts a stone from her sling but it bounces off the wyrm's thick scales.   Bairrfhionn hits one of the wyrm's eyes with an arrow.   The wyrm breaks free from the harpoon and dashes away, heading into the village in its confusion.   The party gives chase.  


  Murdaeg confronts Ignarfi, stating that the party might benefit from his assistance. Ignarfi refuses, stating that Murdaeg cannot have his armor back until his debt is repaid.   Murdaeg and Ignarfi see the wyrm confrontation unfolding and Ignarfi gives Murdaeg the keys to his armor. Murdaeg suggests he might allow the wyrm to destroy the village to absolve his debt.   "Beggin' your pardon, sir, but I believe my debt was to the village. If there's no more village, is my debt not obsolved?"   Ignarfi says he will be in Murdaeg's debt if he kills the wyrm.   Murdaeg dons his armor and emerges from the hut just as the wyrm reaches the village.   The wyrm attacks Murdaeg but is unable to penetrate his plate.   Murdaeg grapples the wyrm and uses action surge to deliver a flurry of swift blows to the base of the wyrm's skull with his handaxe.   Bairrfhionn lands another arrow on the wyrm right before Murdaeg delivers the final blow.   Murdaeg declares his debt repaid.

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