Thorgest the Tall Character in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Thorgest the Tall

Due to his colossal strength, he is considered the strongest living Astari and perhaps its greatest warrior.   He fought in the battle of Hjörungavágr, where he did so with ferociously, cleaving off the arm of Ragi Erikson from a ship 50 feet away, though the battle ultimately ended in a retreat for the attackers.   He greatly wishes to fight and kill Ingvar Ivarson to see which is the greater warrior.  


Thorgest is a jolly, fun-loving man, in and out of combat. He's almost always laughing and smiling. When deprived of combat for too long, he becomes far more gloomy and irritable. He isn't necessarily cruel, nor seems to enjoy inflicting pain, especially on weaker opponents or civilians. He is only motivated to fight against people who can protect themselves, mainly vikingar and soldiers. When he encounters an enemy without a weapon, Thorgest will give said enemy a weapon to give the opportunity to die a glorious death in combat and go to Valhöll instead of killing them outright. While some vikingar are fine with raping women and killing civilians, Thorgest's band is known for not doing the same. Instead, they just enjoy the various privileges offered for their efforts in conflicts. He has no qualms about ordering his men to kill other companies defecting to his side with the hope of them being spared by Thorgest and his forces, but this has more to do with the fact that Thorgest hates cowardice.   Thorgest loves the thrill of combat and greatly enjoys fighting, claiming that he hates to be stopped in the middle of a fight worse than retreating. Thorgest loves battle and war to the point that when at home in his earldom, he will raid the homes of his people, barging in whenever he hears a fight to 'join in' out of extreme boredom. Thorgest rarely cares about the outcome of a battle or the decisions his opponents made in battle, as seen when he slaughtered the members of other crews even after they surrender. He also does not care about his affiliations except to those of his own men and is quick to switch alliances and betray former allies as long as he gets to fight the most fun battle, depending on which side is weaker. He also does not care about his status in society, and only truly cares about fighting and battle.   Whenever Thorgest meets a powerful opponent in battle, he prefers to fight said opponent alone in a one-on-one fight to the death rather than ordering his men to surround and attack. He will also acknowledge any warrior that is strong enough to survive an encounter with him and will not permit his men to insult the challenger in any way.   His battle-hungry personality aside, Thorgest is also slightly doubtful of the path he had chosen in life, and constantly wonders the meaning of a 'true warrior'. Though constantly plagued by this question, Thorgest does not let it get in the way of his battle-hungry way of life.


Sigvaldi Strutharaldson


Towards Thorgest the Tall


Thorgest the Tall


Towards Sigvaldi Strutharaldson


Character Location
396 lb.


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