Battle of Hjörungavágr Military Conflict in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Battle of Hjörungavágr

The Battle of Hjörungavágr is a naval battle that took place late in the Reign of King Ivar Ingjaldson between the Jarls of Rogaland and a raiding fleet led by the fabled Jomsvikingar. This battle played an important role in the lives of serveral of those who fought in it.


In the waning years of the life of King Ivar of Rogaland, the Jarls of Jutland were convinced that Rogaland was an easy target.   In mid-April, a force of 1,600 Jutlanders on 40 longships lead by a force of 500 Jomsvikingar sailed north to Rogaland when most Astari are still preparing for the campaigning season. They sought to plunder the mainland kingdom, but their advantage in suprise was lost thanks to a warning sent by a band of whalers lead by the Jarl Ragnar Sigurdson of Hordaland with the blessing of his king, Hjør Jøsurson.   A force was assembled to counter the raiders and the Rogalanders elected to have the 55 year old Bjarki Torgrimson lead the defense.   In the ensuing battle, the larger Rogaland fleet prevailed over the smaller Jutland fleet, though the Jomsvikingar fought bravely. 15 ships were burned and one was captured in an effort lead by the Alle Torbjörn Thorfinnson , his son Thurmond, and assisted by Ragi Erikson. Ragi had his arm severed in this effort as it was hewn from his shoulder by an axe thrown by Thorgest the Tall from a ship 50 feet away.   A great shower of hail broke out in the midst of the battle as 31-year-old Asger Jorikson fought and defeated Búi Andríðson, the son of the Jarl of Kolding and weilder of the Stormcaller Greataxe, which Asger then claimed for himself.   Despite the heavy loses suffered by the attackers, the Jomsvikingar eledgedly suffered no more than a dozen casualties before ordering the retreat.   It is claimed by some, though King Ivar forbade his son Ingvar from participating in the battle directly, that the 21-year-old prince joined the forces of Rogaland in disguise.   In gratitude for the warning provided by Jarl Ragnar, King Ivar aranged for his son Ingvar to merry Ragnhild, the daughter of Ragnar, a wedding famous for being attended by two Astari kings; Ivar of Rogaland and Hjør of Hordaland.


Between the isle of Edgeøya and the mouth to the Rogafjordlands.

Noteable Participants


  • Ingvar Ivarson (disputed)


Conflict Type
Battlefield Type



  • Warships: 50
  • Warriors: Roughly 2000
  • Warships: 40
  • Warriors: Roughly 1600, including 500 Jomsvikingar


  • Warships: 6
  • Warriors: Unknown, estimated at 240
  • Warships: 10 (9 burned, 1 captured)
  • Warriors: Unknown, estimated at 400


Repel the Jutlanders.
Raid and plunder the fjords of Rogaland.


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