Alice the Lucky Character in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Alice the Lucky

Praetorian Alice

Alice the lucky is a praetorian of Sunreach. She is the current governor of Markland, one of the wealthiest towns in the Province of Barathord. Alice is one of the best duelist of the praetorian despite that fact she only has one of her arms. She is skilled with the blade able to parry and stab faster than most can react

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Alice is a rather beautiful individual. Her features soft in contrast to her sharp skills with a blade. Her defining characteristic and what most people's eyes are drawn to when they meet her is her missing left arm. This is especially odd considering the fact that Sunreach has a multitude of ways to allow her to regrow her arm, but she doesn't want to as she sees it as a badge of honor and valor in her defense of Sunreach. She sees it as a sign that she needs to constantly improve and be on her toes otherwise it could mean her end.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alice was one of the original praetorian that survived the first attack by Myzorock's forces. She was one of the few surviving soldiers who had defended the city and proved herself a valuable asset to the Sentinels. During the attack he arm was torn off, but in spite of this she continued fighting. She has been through a lot losing friends and family both when she fled Rax and during the attack on Sunreach. She is called the lucky for her surviving many impossible odds, but she thinks maybe she just takes the luck of those around her.

Morality & Philosophy

Alice is one of the more sophisticated of the Praetorian. She is well versed in the art of court decorum and knows when she is needs to be proper. She is the more lawful of the praetorian and more adept at the civil side of governance where a lot of the praetorian focus mostly on the combat side of their duties. She is well mannered and proper and when dealing with foreign dignitaries the praetorian usually select he to represent them when Scire, Lucius, or Raiche are unable to do so.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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