Praetorian of Sunreach Organization in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Praetorian of Sunreach

Instead of giving knighthoods or lordships Sunreach has elected instead to give Praetorianship in order to distinguish themselves from the older nations. Praetorians are given large territories of land to control that they are responsible for defending. On top of this most praetorians are capable of fighting very well and can defend the lands themselves and indeed are expected to. The original group of Praetorian were the few who survived Myzorock's first siege of Sunreach. The praetorians came out of the attack battle hardened and stronger than ever.   Praetorian being a mix of knights and lords means they are required to defend their territory them self forcing them to keep their ear to the ground to listen to the problems in their community and hopefully become a part of it instead of above it. Many of the early praetorian also came from the standard rank and file soldier who were common citizens before the attack and still have ties to their humble beginnings. On top of this they fought side by side with the Sentinels of the Blazing Sun in the defense of Sunreach forming a bond tempered by battle. They've bled and lost friends and family locked arm in arm with the sentinels creating fierce loyalty among the early praetorian.   Praetorian now have been forced into a new role after the fiercely violent early year of Sunreach and now have a much more peaceful job of building and expanding the towns and farms that dot the lands they have been given in return for their service to the sentinels. Praetorian is the only other rank within Sunreach that is given more privileges other than being a sentinel or on the council of alternates. Being a Praetorian is the highest honor that can be given in Sunreach and signifies that you have served it both fiercely and competently.


Someone can only be promoted to Praetorian by two Sentinels of the Blazing Sun. A praetorian is then given land within Sunreach of approximately equal economic value to other Praetorian lands. Once that has happened they are expected to maintain a certain number of legionnaires ready to defend the nation as well as at least a few auxiliaries that have certain skills from the location they have come from. Praetorian are all equal with only a few being given another office due to their skillset.

Public Agenda

Praetorian are the defenders of Sunreach. They strive to both improve the lives of the people who live in their lands and ensure no outside threat brings harm to them. These praetorian are responsible for maintaining segments of the legion and mustering their forces to defend their land or answer the calls of the Sentinel or Legate Maximus. Praetorian are loyal citizens of Sunreach who have proven both their military and civil prowess and serve as examples for their citizens to strive towards.
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Parent Organization

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