Province of Barathord Organization in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Province of Barathord

Known as the frontier the province of Barathord is the most recent expansion of Sunreach. The lands are open and good for farming as well as hunting and foraging in the woods that surround them. Barathord has several villages and towns that dot its landscape. Barathord produces a large amount of raw resources and some finished goods in Lastop, but the majority gets shipped either to Sunreach or Milltown to be processed. Barathord doesn't have many citizens living there yet as the lands were only recently controlled by the forces of Sunreach.   Barathord has a diverese population dotted around its landscape, the majority being human but only barely. The province is moderately safe, the roads and towns at the very least being safe havens on the rolling plains. Most citizens on the plains do honest work either hunting, farming, or mining. The province is protected from the troll crags by Eastwatch as well the the northern province of Northmarch. The towns that dot the landscape are owned by the praetorian of Sunreach who ensure the people there are safe as well as follow the laws of Sunreach.
Geopolitical, Province
Alternative Names
The Frontier
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

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