Constitution of Sunreach Document in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Constitution of Sunreach

The Constitution of Sunreach is the document by which Sunreach is ruled and organized by. Drafted by Lucius Macedonicus of the Sentinels of the Blazing Sun, the ruling class of Sunreach, it outlines the laws that are to be followed and where authority lies within Sunreach.   The constitution of Sunreach can be viewed (here)


In order to allow the citizens to know the laws of the land and what is to be expected of them as well as organize a how the sentinels could check one another Lucius Macedonicus wrote the constituion of Sunreach. The document was made to make sure everyone was clear on who had what power and what laws were expected to be followed. On top of this the sentinels also put a maximum punishment that could be levied for a certain crime to reduce the amount of abuse of elected officials on their constituents.

Document Structure


There are four major clauses in the constitution of Sunreach. In all clauses the Sentinels of the Blazing Sun have supreme authority with a handful of checks that can be made by other sentinels to prevent abuse.   The first is the legislative powers which determines who can make laws and how they can be repealed. Laws in Sunreach are almost exclusively passed by the sentinels. If others than the sentinels wish to pass a law they need to draft it and have it be approved by at least two of the sentinels and not be blocked by two other sentinels.   The second clause has to do with Judicial powers. In this case as the nation of Sunreach is too large to be adjudicated by the sentinels they delegate almost all of the work to various judges and officials to determine the guilt of criminals. At anytime a Sentinel can pardon a criminal accused of a crime, but this can be stopped by other Sentinels.   The third clause deals with the rights of the people and what they can be guaranteed of if they are citizens of Sunreach. This includes liberty, property, free speech as well as several others. Sunreach also does not allow discrimination based on race.   The last clause includes some of the baseline laws of Sunreach that are required to be followed. This list expands every so often as new laws are needed to be added based on the needs of Sunreach. These laws also have attached to them maximum punishments that can be levied for breaking the crimes listed meaning a judge can't order the execution of someone for stealing bread to reduce abuse of office.

Legal status

The document is the ruling document of Sunreach given power to by the enforcement of the Sentinels. All citizens of Sunreach must follow the constitution or be in violation of its laws. Sunreach citizens are given protections under the constitution so they can't be abused as easily by those with greater power or wealth and due to these provisions are expected to help uphold the nation that helps them. Sunreach citizens are expected to have a baseline understanding of the laws outlined in the constitution.
Text, Legislative
Signatories (Organizations)


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