Father Samuel Character in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Father Samuel

Father Samuel

The day to day leader of the Adherents of the Dawn, Father Samuel is technically beneath Lucius in the hierarchy, but Lucius is usually busy with a multitude of tasks so he leaves Father Samuel to do as he sees fit. Father Samuel is an evangelist and is adept at converting new people to be worshipers. As such the Pillar and the adherents have had large numbers of immigrants join its ranks bolstering its numbers. That on top of the unholy threats that have been plaguing Sunreach has meant the Pillar is constantly growing and struggles to hold all of the people who have flocked to it and often have to hold masses on the field surrounding Pillar of Dawn mostly lead by Father Samuel himself.

Mental characteristics


Father Samuel is the defacto leader of the Pillar of Dawn as well as the Adherents of Dawn. Ever since the death of Cassia Fabian he has also had to take over the role of leading the military arm of the Adherents. He has given much of those tasks to a selected mythic exarch or lictor to do the training and operations, but has been looking for a replacement for Cassia, but no one interviewed has been able to fill her shoes. Father Samuel has a lot on his plate, but he carries himself with grace and composure making it appear as though he has everything under control.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Father Samuel was present at the storming of Dayhill and was crucial to keeping key allies alive and ready to continue the fight. His devotion to Sarenrae and the powers she provides to him he was able to heal the soldiers that had fallen allowing them to continue the fight. The numbers of the undead were numerous and easy to replenish and as such Father Samuel had an extraordinarily difficult job trying to keep their numbers full enough to continue fighting them.
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