Pillar of Dawn Building / Landmark in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Pillar of Dawn

An imposing fortress situated just south of the city of Sunreach the Pillar of Dawn stands tall as a beacon of hope for the downtrodden masses. During the attack of Myzorock a huge number of people flocked to the Pillar of Dawn to provide faith for the people. Since then the number of people arriving to the Pillar of Dawn continues to steadily increase. It is a bastion of light and faith used to train clerics, paladins, and oracles for the furtherment of good and justice in the world. They form what is known as the Adherents of the Dawn and are tasked to destroy evil in the world as well as ensure the well being and health of Sunreach. The Pillar of Dawn seeks to end injustice and cruelty in Sunreach and hopefully spread their influences past its borders.

Purpose / Function

The Pillar of Dawn is the center for both military and civilian worshipers of the gods. The Pillar is known mostly for the worship of good gods and some neutral gods, but there is next to no worship of evil gods within its halls. It is a bastion to protect people who can't protect themselves and root out evil doers within the borders of Sunreach. On top of their duties of killing evil creatures and blasphemous cultists they also work to feed and heal the sick. The Pillar of Dawn is a center of healing and resurrection for those who can afford the price to bring back the dead who have fallen too early in their life. They also provide a significant amount of potions that provide healing to the legions and auxiliaries of Sunreach as well as to any other Sunreach organization that needs it. These potions can also be bought directly from the Pillar, but are sold frequently to shop keeps to be purchased there.
Alternative Names
The Pillar
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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