Jason Volker Character in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Jason Volker

Praetorian Jason Volker

Rising through the ranks of Sunreach's military, Jason Volker started as a standard legionary who portrayed his bravery and skill during the siege of Sunreach. His valor was quickly rewarded as he was chosen from the promoted praetorian to become head of Sunreach's military as the Legate Maximus. Jason has since organized Sunreach's forces holding the line against the second war with Myzorock until the Sentinels could regroup and strike back against him. Jason was crucial in the Storming of Dayhill and kept a large portion of Sunreach's soldiers alive in the face of such terrible odds.   The change of pace in taking the plains of Barathord was welcome not having to face life or death as he had in all the battles he fought beforehand. Jason is loyal to Sunreach as he had risen up from the ranks of the refugees from Rax showing that anyone with the ability and skill could make something of themselves within the borders of Sunreach. Jason has proven time and time again his skill as a commander and the Sentinels feel comfortable knowing a competent and skilled commander is leading their forces.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Jason is lauded for his accomplishments in the siege of Dayhill. He lead his troops excellently in the attack after the sentinels broke off from the main group to defeat Myzorock and end the war. He was able to buy the sentinels enough time to get behind enemy lines and kill Myzorock. Jason faced massive odds in the attack and was often outnumbered two to one in many situations, but was able to use the training of the legionnaires to hold them back and stay alive. He still beats himself up for losing so many men to the Godspawn as it lumbered through his troops, but he tries to remind himself there wasn't much he could've done.
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