Sunlands Organization in Marhalla | World Anvil
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The heartland of Sunreach. The Sunlands is the wealthiest and most populated province in Sunreach. The Province holds the capital city of Sunreach as well as the large city of Milltown. The Sunlands are well patrolled and supplied and are very safe. The Sunlands export most of the nations finished goods and is the main administrative hub of the nation. The capital city and the Sentinels rule over the province, but even here much of the day to day administration is left to appointed officials.   The Sunalnds is only in the middle in terms of land mass, but most citizens live here. The Sunlands just like the capital city is split in three by the rivers that run through it. The Sunlands contain many good locations for farming as well as a large gold mine that also has access to the elemental plane of earth to further augment the amount of resources it can produce. The Sunlands were the location of two of the battles with Myzorock including the siege of Sunreach and the siege of Dayhill. Since those wars the nation has been at peace allowing the Sunlands to flourish and prosper. From this province the legions of Sunreach are equipped and sent to expand Sunreach's borders.
Geopolitical, Province
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

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