Jugovich Character in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Praetorian Jugovich

The massive man that is praetorian Jugovich was one of the original Praetorian who fought at the first attack by Myzorock on Sunreach. Recruited as a standard legionnaire despite his massive frame during the battle as the outer walls begin to fall he picked up an ogres weapon and used it to cleave enemies protecting the retreat of the remaining civilians outside of the inner wall. He also managed to protect the retreat of the rest of the soon to be praetorian who got into the inner wall before Jugovich ran inside and closed the gate.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jugovich is a silent individual preferring action over words. He hasn't talked much about his life before coming to Sunreach and spends most of his time out raising his Oliphants. Jugovich is an impressive fighter wielding his massive flail swinging it around him striking everyone who is dumb enough to surround him. During the first battle against Myzorock's son he showed his strength and valor with most praetorian saying if it wasn't for Jugovich they wouldn't have managed to make it back to the inner walls to protect the civilians. Jugovich has shown his prowess in all of the battles since breaking the siege at Yampfield and at the battle of Titan's fall where he pushed himself well past the point he should killing undead and orcs alike trying to break a hole through the enemy to allow the Sentinels to press through. He managed to survive the battle, but just barely, and has spent most of his time since quietly raising his Oliphants only occasionally joining in battles against the tribes on the plains of Barathord.


Jugovich is seen as one the dumb Praetorian and it may seem that way as he has no formal education, but Jugovich is an intelligent individual capable of learning skills that he sets his mind to. Jugovich quickly learned from a variety of naturalist such as druids how to raise Oliphants and train them to do as he desires. Jugovich may seem like a blundering foolhearted individual, but he knows that his strengths are best served when surrounded and is the best chance for victory.


Jugovich is a Praetorian of Sunreach and has taken to the Sea of Grass raising Oliphants. He intends on using these Oliphants to protect Sunreach and hopes his beasts will be an excellent addition to Sunreach's military forces. When called on Jugovich will take a break from raising his Oliphants and go on the war path joining the legions in their attacks.
Current Residence
Sea of Grass
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
8ft 2in
375 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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