Sea of Grass Organization in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Sea of Grass

The Sea of Grass isn't so much of a province as it is a large swath of land for Praetorian Jugovich to herd his Oliphants. The entire province is dedicated to feeding and growing these massive beasts which Jugovich intends to turn into beasts of war. For administrative reasons it is usually thought to be apart of the Plains of Barathord due to the extremely low population.


The Sea of Grass is owned by Praetorian Jugovich. He uses the large swath of fertile grasslands to raise his oliphants and he only employs a handful of people to help him with this task. Jugovich runs everything in the province and his word is final on what happens there, within the confines of the Constitution of Sunreach. Jugovich isn't much for running large organizations and is perfectly happy growing these massive beasts and eventually turning them into beasts of war. There is only one minor settlement, Trailbreak, in the province and is used just to house Jugovich as well as a the handful of people who assist him in this task.

Public Agenda

The Province's whole goal is to raise these massive Oliphants. Jugovich has no other plans for the province as of now as the entire land he has acquired is needed for the massive creatures.


A herd of massive Oliphants
Geopolitical, Province
Parent Organization


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