Orien Military Formation in Marhalla | World Anvil
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The rising dawn, the elite foot soldiers of the Adherents of Dawn. The Oriens are the dismounted variant of the Exarch. They are there to hold the ground. They are a more offensive crusader wielding their halberds in honor of the founder of the adherents, Lucius. They are the Pillars foot shock troops and seek out evil in places the Exarchs can't reach. Oriens are skilled both martially and empowered by their god.



Oriens are a fairly elite fighting force. Their order formed a few years after the defeat of Myzorock they currently have no mythic variant like the Exarch and as such work underneath the Exarchs and are treated as a dismounted version of them. Oriens have more numbers than the Exarchs as they don't need to go through the process of bonding to a mount.


Oriens are equipped with Sunreach standard Lorica Segmentata as well as halberds trying to emulate their founder Lucius. Their halberds have been enchanted with grayflame capable of storing their lay on hands to increase the damage dealt to evil enemies. They also carry a few potions of healing to help themselves or people they are trying to save. They also have a ring of protection although not a very strong version.


Oriens do not have any mythic variants as they weren't a formation during the Storming of Dayhill and as such are organized underneath the Exarchs. They take their orders from the Primi Exarchs and accomplish the same tasks as Exarchs just on the ground.


Oriens are offensively minded and as such do what they can to deal as much damage as possible. They are expert at using their halberds to sweep enemies off of their feet causing them to fall to the ground opening them up to be hit by fellow oriens or other allies around them. They are especially devastating against evil targets channeling their gods wrath against them striking them down with powerful divine might. Oriens do best in pairs, one tripping while the other pummels the enemy on the ground. They also work well in a battle line, half the line tripping enemies and the other half striking anyone who has been tripped. Oriens are capable of holding enemies in place to allow the Exarchs to swoop down on their hippogriffs and pierce them with their lances.


Logistical Support

The oriens are fully supplied by Sunreach as well as the Adherents of Dawn. They are an integral and important force and as such are deemed a high priority when determining who gets supplies. Any basic supplies are given to oriens when requested and are given several healing potions for themselves or the people they are trying to protect. The Adherents of Dawn of several outposts through Sunreach territories where they can resupply and set out where the danger may lie.


Historical loyalties

The oriens are a newly formed Adherents of the Dawn formation and are loyal to Sunreach. They are there to serve Sunreach and protect it from the evils that may encroach into Sunreach lands.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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