Raiche Darkmayne Character in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Raiche Darkmayne

Magister Raiche Darkmayne

The current magister and Vox Ratio of Sunrech, Raiche Darkmayne is a red tiefling from the Darkmayne family in the Redlands. Formerly in service in the court of Lord Victor, the ruler of the Redlands, Raiche Darkmayne was released from his service and made his way to Sunreach to create the University of the Sun. Raiche has been critical in allowing Sunreach to prosper making Sunreach a center for magical learning and producing a significant number of magical items.

Mental characteristics


Raiche is a very well educated individual. He has a deep understanding of magic and uses that to teach future generations in the University of the Sun and assist the Sentinels of the Blazing Sun with any requests they may make of him. Raiche is constantly trying to learn whenever the opportunity arises and teaches others when possible.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Raiche Darkmayne has been in service of Lord Victor for a very long time, but now in Sunreach has been able to create a place of his own in the University of the Sun. Technically under the rule of Sunreach the University of the Sun is relatively autonomous and as such Raiche is free to do experiments and teach classes as he sees fit. Raiche intends on making the University of the Sun be one of the greatest magical colleges in all of Golarion.

Failures & Embarrassments

Raiche has a singular embarrassment that eats away at him. Although very schooled and trained in magic and is a powerful caster in his own right, Raiche is unable to cast the highest level spells known in Golarion. He is able to cast a wide variety of spells and is capable of casting any spell throughout the day other than spells in the ninth circle of magic.

Intellectual Characteristics

Raiche is an extremely intelligent individual as well as being known to have a silver tongue. He uses the knowledge he acquires to influence events in ways that are beneficial to him. It is difficult to pin down his motivations as he is very adept at hiding them and disguising them behind other actions.
Current Location


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