University of the Sun Building / Landmark in Marhalla | World Anvil
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University of the Sun

The University of the Sun is a massive floating magical college that follows the path of the sun as it crosses the sky during the day. Funded and built by Raiche Darkmayne, the magister and Vox Ratio of Sunreach. He built the school to make the worlds most prestigious college and contains some of the best casters of their chosen school of magic. With their expertise in their field as well as the direction from Raiche Darkmayne, dozens of mages from across all of Golarion attempt to be accepted into the University, yet only a select few are admitted into the school every year.   The university is a magical marvel. Constantly floating in the air while following the rotation of the sun the university also has several rooms for a variety of magical item creation and experiments, such as the Hall of creation which is modified to speed up the creation of magical items. The university trains students to become Vox Ratios of Sunreach, their equivalent of court mages that get sent to the settlements strewn throughout Sunreach.

Purpose / Function

Dedicated to training mages in a variety of magical schools to train them for any hurdles they may encounter. These students are trained to become Vox Ratios, the court mages of Sunreach. They are responsible for communication between the various settlements in Sunreach and their governors. They ensure that any magical needs are met for the settlements and governors they are sent to serve. They are there to send messages throughout Sunreach, teleport the governor to places they need to be, and any other requests within reasons that they ask for. The students can also be trained to be adept at the creation of magical items to be sold to fund the school while also improving their skills at creating these items.   The University is also a center for the creation of large amounts of magical items as well as the creation of the Legatus Mechanatus, the large golems that protect Sunreach. The University equips legionnaires with magically enhanced gear as well as stock the markets of Jameson's Square for the influx of adventurers that have made their way to Sunreach in search of employment. The University is capable of mass producing low tier equipment as well as impressive magical marvels. Thanks to the Hall of creation the school is able to produce these items far more quickly by altering the speed at which magic takes hold in the item as well as decreasing the time it takes to cast the spells required to enchant the items.
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