Vox Ratio Profession in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Vox Ratio

Trained at the University of the Sun Vox Ratios are the court mages of Sunreach. They are deployed to settlements to provide magical support to the governors of these settlements such as communication and teleportation.



Vox Ratio need to be trained extensively at the University of the Sun before being sent to settlements. They spend years at the University studying magical practices as well as court graces to make sure Sunreach doesn't embarrass themselves when dealing with foreign dignitaries. To get into the University of the Sun students need to show an aptitude for magical skill and only a few students get into the university every year.



Vox Ratios are sent to settlement governors to provide magical support. Due to their extensive training at the University they are adept at communication, teleportation, as well as other magical needs from the governor. They are also skilled at protecting the governor they are given to and providing them a way out of situations if needed. Vox Ratios are the quickest and most effective way to communicate with settlements and respond to any requests from settlements to provide supplies or soldiers to help defend. They also craft scrolls and potions for governors to be used by the Vox Ratio or for sale in the settlement to increase revenue.

Social Status

Vox Ratios are highly sought after positions as they receive training at the University of the Sun. The University is seen as a very prestigious magical institution and seeing as Sunreach is a growing nation a lot of people want to get high ranking positions for when Sunreach becomes a continental power. Becoming an early Vox Ratio could lead to a bright future in Sunreach.
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