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Brulun Mev (Brew-lun Meh-v)

Brulun Mev Mezmkst

A vampiric kahaligite, Brulun Mev was a member of the Court of Misfits, and one of its few survivors of the ascent of the Collective One.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Bruluns most notable feature was his pointed vampiric fangs and his piercing red eyes. He preferred to keep his eyes covered up with a pair of goggles, both to protect his vision from sunlight and to hide his more sinister side.

Special abilities

As a vampiric kahaligte, Brulun could elongate his teeth into vicious fangs. His training in the arcane arts also let him infuse his fangs with further magic, turning him into quite a deadly fighter. He was an adept spellcaster, trained in blending the arcane arts into his natural strikes, although he preferred to avoid combat whenever possible.

Specialized Equipment

Brulun's goggles were multifaceted, allowing him to see on all of his sides, and helped him view minute details when performing medical operations. He inherited Hans' surgery vest, which held his medical tools.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Brulun was born to a powerful noble family in the Exha Baronies but was a highly empathetic child. Possessing what his dark family referred to as a vulm-drokostʲ, or a "bleeding heart" Brulun hesitated to partake in his families' profane rituals. After he was forced to sacrifice a childhood friend to increase his necromantic powers, he fled north. Unable to find a place in the undead-hating Coalition of the Northern Free Lands, he then began to travel east, finding his way into the technologically advanced city of Nenu-Lan. He attempted to eke out a living in the city slums, feeding on brutes from the local gangs. He attended the grand opening of the Rat King's Cellar, the tavern and guildhall of the Court of Misfits. He interceded when an unruly member of the Roku Gang threatened to tear the place up. Brulun knocked him out and offered to find a place to dump him in exchange for being able to drink a bit of his blood, to which the guild swiftly agreed. After the incident, Brulun became a regular attendant of the tavern, and when tensions broke down into all-out war with the Roku gang, the guild offered him a position in its ranks, in exchange for help in its defense. Brulun eagerly agreed, and helped in the fight, utilizing his vampiric powers and summoning his incorporeal defender, a wraith named Nya. After the battle, Brulun was granted the title of Jack of Blood, and helped administer the guilds medical procedures and healing, especially after the death of their doctor, Hans.   When the invasion of Nenu-Lan began, Brulun would fight on the city's behalf, although he mostly worked on the back lines tending to the wounds of the injured and utilizing Nya to scout. Since he was not on the front lines, he managed to survive the disastrous Operation: Starfall, and his undead nature protected him from the brunt of the psychic awakening of The Collective One. He, along with Karken Golgo, help scout the city after the initial disaster, sending information to the survivors. Most of the guild was assassinated by the traitorous robotic army or assimilated into the Collective, but a copy of the minds of several of the important guildmembers had been implanted in blank Gear cores and had been shipped away for safekeeping. When those contingencies awoke, the scoured several areas for allies to hope them retake the city, including meeting Anima, the Baroness of Souls and the master of The Soul Sanctum. Unfortunately, part of the deal securing Anima's aid was the eternal service of Brulun, who held many secrets of the vampiric Barons from his time with his family. The core-copies reluctantly made the deal, and with the aid of their allies, stormed the city. While they also perished in the following battle, their minds were absorbed into the Collective One, and the minds of all the absorbed guildmembers were able to reason with the newborn demigod and convince it to stop its rampage.   With the city stabilized and under the new rule of The Court of the Collective, Brulun worked to help treat all the survivors on all sides but was eventually informed of the deal made with him as the bartering piece. While not pleased to return to Skovasil, he chose to honor his deal, and even hoped that Anima could help him restore the full mind of Nya. He returned with Anima to the Soul Sanctum and continues to work under her.


Brulen was trained in necromancy by his baron family but found it much to brutal for his tender heart. He would later attempt to purify his own body, greatly wounding himself. During this process, he was able to unlock a rare form of magic known as white necromancy; necromancy that draws upon both spirits and corpses to ask for their aid instead of forcing them do a masters bidding. He also trained greatly in arcane spell combat, allowing him to infuse his powerful strikes with arcane magic.


Brulun was in-line to inherit a powerful estate from his baron family but rejected the notion and forfeited his birthright when he fled the Exha Barons. He worked odd jobs until he encountered the Court of Misfits, who then hired him to help fight against the Roku Gang. After the battle, he would become a full-time guildmember, eventually become the guild doctor.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Brulun was the only known khaligite to master White Necromancy, a powerful non-evil form of raising the dead.

Failures & Embarrassments

Brulun was never able to forgive himself for participating in the ritual that sacrificed his childhood friend, Nya, and forever bound her spirit in service to him. He was also devestated by the loss of most of his guildmembers during the ascent of the Collective One, lamenting that he could not save them.

Mental Trauma

Brulun was always reserved, as he feared indulging his bloodthirsty, vampiric side. His hatred of necromancy stemmed to his own vampiric nature, giving him quite a sense of self-loathing, although he channeled these feelings into act of service rather than wallowing in them.

Morality & Philosophy

Brulun was disgusted by those who would rule over others with brutal methods or those who enacted their wills without consideration for the common folk.


Brulun hated traditional necromancy, viewing it as a scourge upon the world. He always tried to avoid combat as much as possible, as he hated using his powers to take life.

Personality Characteristics


Brulun's initial motivation was simply fleeing his profane family, but eventually reached the city of Nenu-Lan with the goal of hoping that the cities technology might be able to create a cure for kahaligites, or even vampirism in general.   After the battle of Nenu-Lan and the rise of the Collective One, Brulun was now forced to work under the thumb of the Baroness of Souls, Anima. While he honors the deal made by his late guildmembers, he works with both the intent to help Anima use his knowledge to help subvert the power of the Exha Baronies, and to keep an eye on her ambitions.

Representation & Legacy

Brulun was remembered greatly after the invasion of Nenu-Lan. His work in the medical tents, and his offer of aid to both sides of the war after the battling had ceased worked wonders on fostering a peace deal.


Contacts & Relations

Brulun was able to call to his side the spirit of his childhood friend, Nya as a wraith, whom he had sacrificed in a ritual to forever bind her in his youth. Brulun mostly utilized Nya to scout ahead, using her incorporeal nature to send her through the walls of buildings.

Family Ties

Brulun was once a member of the powerful and influencial Mezmkst family in the vampiric Exha Baronies, but renounced his family name and title after fleeing north.
Chaotic Good
Current Status
In the service of the Lordess of Souls
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Jack of Blood
Date of Birth
4th of Usa, 4,057 A.C.
Year of Birth
4057 46 Years old
Current Residence
The Soul Sanctum
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
150 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Maran and Skov Common, Aklo, Necril, Elven, and Sylvan


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