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Dowa (Dough-ah)

Dwarves that are native to Kirru, Dowas are brown-skinned and dark haired dwarves that well skilled at fighting aerial enemies. Once ruling over a vast empire thanks to large flying fortresses, the dowa were displaced by the other races and now dwell behind large walls, defending their kingdom from their ancestral enemies.


Major language groups and dialects

A dowa speaks Auran instead of Terran.

Average technological level

Many dwarven cities are built around the ruins of ancient sky fortresses. The dowa believe that they once ruled over all of Kirru from these mighty palaces, and that they hope to one day rebuild these structures and return to their former glory.

Common Etiquette rules

The dowa consider leaving your hair straight as a sign of luxury, only appropriate for celebrations, festivals, and special occasions. All other times, the hair of both men and woman are to be braided in various ways.

Common Dress code

Many dowa wear long ropes with many layers designed to protect them from heavy winds and keep them warm.

Art & Architecture

The ancient dowa sky fortresses are massive castles carved out of built out of various and rare skymetals. Such buildings are towering and foreboding ruin of gothic nature. Dowa who dwell outside of these sky fortresses often attempt to emulate this look, crafting large and intimidating buildings made of metal and stone.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Dowa children born inside an ancient sky fortress are considered lucky and blessed.

Coming of Age Rites

Once of age, most dowa men are sent to work on the Sabmur Walls in the defense of their nation, while dowa women hold down the homesteads and work on the non-combat functions of society.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Many ancient sky fortresses have be transformed into burial crypts, with the dowa interring their dead in the hopes that they can one day return to the sky.

Common Taboos

The dowa hate most of the other races of Kirru, believing that they conspired together to overthrow the ancient dwarven empire and ground the ancient sky fortresses of their ancestors. Thus, few dowa willingly work with other races native to the realm, especially those who claim dominion over the sky, such as the Eleyai.

Common Myths and Legends

Most Dowas worship Urûr, the Dwarven god of mountains and miners, but can be found worshiping other members of the dwarven pantheon.


Beauty Ideals

Longer hair is considered more attractive in dowa society.

Gender Ideals

Dowa males are required to become warriors in defense of the homeland and serve in the military, while dowa females are required to learn household duties and keep the other aspects of society functioning.

Courtship Ideals

Like many dwarven societies, many dowa marriages are arranged through family or military ties, with the individual feelings of the dowa not put into consideration.

Relationship Ideals

The dowa dislike outsiders, but are fiercely loyal to each other, banding together to fight against the other races of Kirru. The word of a dowa is always trusted over the word of an outsider.

Major organizations

The dowa are stanch in their defense of their nation, the Dowan Hold, as it is under constant threat of invasion from the Svanti Empire.

Random Dowa Homelands
% Rolled Homeland Trait Given
01-50 Dowa Stronghold Zest For Battle
51-76 Mountain Village Highlander
77-87 Ancient Ruin Mechanical Aptitude
88-94 Non-Dowa Settlement Militant Merchant
95-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland Table)
Encompassed species
Related Locations
A Dowa replaces the standard dwarf traits of Defensive Training, Hatred, and Stoncunning with the following trait:   Sky Dwarf: Enemies on higher ground gain no attack roll bonus against a dowa, and a dowa gains a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls, a +2 dodge bonus to their AC, and a +2 racial modifier to Perception checks against flying creatures. Each of these bonuses increase by 1 for every 4 hit dice the dowa possesses beyond the 1st.


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