Kirru Geographic Location in Matera | World Anvil
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The Realm of Air, Kirru is covered in high mountains and low valleys. It is ruled over by the massive Svanti Empire.


Kirru is dominated by vast swathes of mountains, with only the southern and western edges of the realm lacking in mountainous areas.

Localized Phenomena

Windstorms commenly buffet the high peaks and valleys of the realm, especially in the spring months. The strangest phenomenon is the mysterious Tengo Valley, which is said to be a piece of sky cloud brought to the earth. The valley his guarded feircly by the Kyu-Kua giants, and little of its secrets have escaped to the wider realm. The neighboring vallry, The Cosmic Valley, is also imbued with a strange amount of Cosmic Energy, allowing for greater communement with The Cosmic Force.   Another local feature is the four Tower of the Winds, each housing their own wind spirit. The North Wind, said to hear all the north wind hears, the East Wind, said to feel anything the east wind feels, The South Wind, said to.


Due to its elevated nature, Kirru is much colder on average than other realms, with it getting extremely cold in the northern region.

Fauna & Flora

Kirru is native to a large breed of goat known as the Tayuza. These massive beasts take the place of horses in the realm, as they are much more suited to travel over the mountain slopes.

Natural Resources

Due to its mountainous nature, Kirru is rich in ore, stone, and metal.


Crafted in the age of creation by Yai, Kirru was besieged in the age of conflict by the Titan Teth and the mighty Oni Fiendish Lord known as O-Bakêmo. The dwarves of the realm crafted mighty Sky Claves out of skymetal, and after the monsters were defeated, formed a realm spanning empire, known as the Dowan Sky Empire. Eventually, the secrets of maintaining the Sky Claves was lost, and the Sky Empire collapsed, with steam-ship technology propelling the Eleyai ahead and forming the Svanti Empire.


Travel is quite difficult both to and around Kirru, due to its mountainous nature and the dangers of its Borderlands. However, a delegation of Kirrans participated in the recent Tech-War, and the ascent of the Collective One, and a relationship with the Iron City has been established. Now, several scores of the tech races, especially those displaced by the war, have began migrating north into Kirru.


  • Kirru
    The realm of Air and the birthplace of electromancy, Kirru is dominated by spiraling mountains.
Alternative Name(s)
The Realm of Air; The Air Realm
Planar Sphere/Grouping

  • 101


    Formation of the Elements

    The four Elemental Realms, Kirru, Ardlam, Ixuil and Vatenrelm are formed to help empower the World Tree. From this event, the four Elemental Lords emerge from the tree, Yai, Yea, Yef, and Yaw.

  • 1888

    Yai and Ra unite

    Yai takes Ra as her consort and tutalage, stating that he will one day rule of all below the sky.

    Additional timelines
  • 2159

    Teth creates O-bakêmo
    Disaster / Destruction

    Teth, the titan of air, splits the earth and sky, forever separating the creatures of the ground and air, and this process creates O-bakêmo, the first Oni.

    Additional timelines
  • 2160

    Urûr brings about the Sky Empire
    Era beginning/end

    Urûr, the dwarven god of the sky, emboldens the dwarves and crafts mighty sky forces to help combat Teth and the Titans. Driving out O-bakêmo, the Dowa forge a realm-spanning empire.

  • 2500

    The Mind Mist is created
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    After slaying the Pale Wyrm, Fien falls into a deep slumber, and his Brightling followers create the Mind Mist to conceal his presence.

    The Mind Mist
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    Additional timelines
  • 2665

    The Ratosk settle the Tosan Range
    Population Migration / Travel

    The first Ratosks are born from Rataoskr and take over the borders between Kirru and Matera Central, claiming it as the Tosan Range.

    Tosan Range
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    Additional timelines
  • 2670


    Aneo and Esva create the Hivelands
    Geological / environmental event

    Working together, Aneo and Esva flee their creators and into the mountainous borderers between Armarium and Kirru, terraforming it into the Hivelands.

    The Hivelands
    Additional timelines
  • 3001

    The Author creates The Rier
    Geological / environmental event

    The Author create The Rier, a new god of barriers, and imbues it into the borders of the realms, sealing them off from each other and separating the gods.

  • 3060

    The Svanti Empire rises

    Through the degradation of the Sky Fortresses and the machinations of the elyai, the dwarven empire collapse, with its forces retreating and creating the Dowan Hold, while the eleyai found the Svanti Empire and expand over the realm.

  • 3221

    The Cosmic Disciples are formed
    Population Migration / Travel

    After being cut off from the other Realms by the Separation, the halflings of Kirru begin studying the Cosmic, eventually evolving into Skylings and forming the Cosmic Disciples.

    Mt. Uchu
    More reading
  • 3300

    Luca is created
    Scientific achievement

    The eleyai of the Svanti Nation experiment on humans, and accidentally create the demigod Luca, the first Bekuma.

    More reading
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  • 3890

    The Svanti Empire annexes Mt. Sorko
    Military action

    After centuries of skirmishes, the Svanti Empire finally conquers the territory to the west of the Kura River, and formally taking control of Mt. Sorko and the Paku

  • 4000

    40 Matra

    The Sundering
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Rostrom absorbs the power of an imprisoned Dark Tapestry god and shatters the Reir, ending the Age of Separation and ascending to godhood.


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