Konari Flame Tribes Organization in Matera | World Anvil
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Konari Flame Tribes

The ruling tribes of the Konari region. It is primarily made up of Eleyefs. While all united against outside threats, the tribes rule themselves seperatly, and thus each tribe has their own rules and methods.

Public Agenda

The tribes have little to no unified agenda, save for protection the territory of tribes from malicious forces, like the Fire Giants of the Blasted Plains. The only other shared goal of all the tribes is to work with the Order of the First Flame to gather and protect the Embers of the First Flame.


The Fire Tribes formed with the birth of flame and the Eleyef in the age of creation, and once spanned over all of Ixuil. However, with the splitting of the First Flame and the weakening of Yef, the unified tribes scattered, and eventually lost much of their original territory.

Demography and Population

Nearly all of Fire Tribes are made up of Eleyefs, with some tribes being more accepting of outsiders than others,


The Flame Tribes rule over the central region of the realm in the area known as Konari, but many members also travel the far and wide across the realm seeking Embers of the First Flame or simply wishing to experience other parts of the world.


The tribes have no establishes military, as they have no desire to expand their territory and only to protect themselves from the advancements of the Fire Giants. While all members of each tribe receive basic combat training, the tribes rely on the Order of the First Flame to do the majority of the protection of Konari. The Western Tribes, who are closer to the Blasted Plains, are more warrior-like and aggressive due to their proximity to the danger of the giants.

Technological Level

Like most of the races of Ixuil, the Flame Tribes have little in the way of technology, instead focusing of primal magic and physical might.


Nearly all of the Tribes are members of the Order of the First Flame in some shape or form.

Foreign Relations

While a bit insular, the Tribes have a mostly good relationship with the surrounding territories, with the main exception being the FIre Giants to the west in the Blasted Plains. The Fire Giants have slowly expanded their territory over time, and the tribes have been essential in keeping them at bay.


Tribal law varies from village to village, but the tribes are all very free spirited, with little established rules. Many tribes simply resolve conflict the best they can, and when they can't reach comprise, they partake in either dance competitions or duels, or often both at the same time, to determine a victor.

Agriculture & Industry

The tribe loves to grow spicy pepper plants, as well as several other types of jungle vegetables.


While standards vary in individual tribes, nearly all of the Flame Tribes place huge emphasis on arts and passion projects. Thus each member often seeks their own way, often finding personal mentors to teach the things that spark their passion.


The Flame Tribes have carefully cultivated natural paths that spread throughout Konari utilizing very controlled wildfires to sculpt out paths through the jungle while still maintaining a natural look.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
The Fire Tribes
While the offical currency of the tribes are Yoyos, like most of Ixuil, the Flame Tribes perfer to barter and trade for their goods rather than use coins.
Major Exports
The Flame Tribes make a thick charcoal chalk from the ash of their deceased, which is used by tribes all around Ixuil in writing and drawing. The Eleyef consider this a great honor, a way to live on and contribute to the passions of others after their demise.
Major Imports
The Tribes mostly bring in weapons, armor and medical supplies cabable of helping them fight off the Fire Giants to the west.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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