Körkügech Ethnicity in Matera | World Anvil
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Körkügech (Coor-kuu-get-cha)

Ursan-born Tieflings and Axions of Urro, typically of Rakshashan descent. Like all of the Cosmic Races, their appearance and abilities can vary wildly, but they usually share a common otherworldly trait of supernatural stamina, able to negate what would be deadly blows, as well as strange, robotic voice tones.


Major language groups and dialects

A majority of the Körkügech speak Urrok Common, Ursan, and Infernal.

Average technological level

The Kika Jungland is a primal place of opulent sloth, and thus its inhabitants have little desire in pursuing the advancements of technology. This is equally true for the Körkügech, who are sustained solely by their bloodlust, and so most are simple brutes with little thought between their next meal and next fight.

Common Etiquette rules

Due to their vaunted nature as warriors and guards, the Körkügech expect to be respected and feared, and thus one should always act cautiously around them.

Common Dress code

Due to the humid area of the Jungland, their fur, and their resistance to damage, the Körkügech have little need to wear any clothing. They prefer to don ceremonial gladiator armor in order to impress and intimidate others.

Art & Architecture

The Körkügech build little, as most live and work in the opulent palaces of the Kika Junglend. Those that dwell out in the jungle proper often knock over trees to build a makeshift hollow.

Foods & Cuisine

The Körkügech are avid meat eaters, especially fish. Their favorite meal is grilled Gröndümpfenst, or Grönd for short, a type of flesh-eating piranha that dwells in the River of Teeth.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

The Körkügech don't often raise their children, with most giving them up either to the Luatum Arena to be raised as gladiators or to the rakshashan overlords to be trained as guards. For fanatics deep in service to the rakshasa, those expecting a child will often commit vile acts such a murder and torture, in the hopes of inviting a raksashan spirit to inhabit the unborn body of their child.

Coming of Age Rites

A Körkügech generally is sent to Luatum Arena in its youth, were it spends a majority of its time learning the art of combat. It is considered an adult once it has finally won achieved victory in either a major tournament or at least five minor tournaments.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Due to their increased strength, the Körkügech hold great respect for any who best them, and thus those who kill a Körkügech gain the rights to its corpse. However, most Körkügech who slay another of their race often bury them underneath a jungle tree, than embed the fallens' skull into the upper reaches of the tree.

Common Taboos

The Körkügech have little restraint, and are willing to take any sort of job, often for even little price. However, a Körkügech always pays their dues, and expect the same respect. Thus, the fastest way to an open grave in the Jungland is to deny a Körkügech what it views as rightful pay.

Common Myths and Legends

It is said that the Körkügech have always dwelt in the Jungland, and that Ranva simply gave them a purpose and direction for their bloodlust. Their intermingling with the Rakshasa blood only increased their worst tendencies over the eons.


Beauty Ideals

The Körkügech value physical strength and signs of battle, and thus proudly display their scars and wounds.

Gender Ideals

The Körkügech'ss simple-minded bloodlust means that they care not for the differences in gender, only the differences of strength in battle. Thus, both male and female are considered equal in the eyes of the arena.

Courtship Ideals

Most pairings between Körkügech begin in the arena, when two of similar strength meet. When a battle gets heated, it ignites a spark between the two, and the eventual loser of that match often will seek out the winner afterwards for a "rematch bout". Such a fight usually leads into a courtship, even between Körkügech of the same gender.

Relationship Ideals

Körkügech don't remain together after a mating, and thus the mother either raises the cubs by herself or sells them of to an arena or guard force. They often form tight cliques while in training, and keep these frirndships throughout their life. However, if two friends enter the arena, all bets are off.

Major organizations

A majority of Körkügech work as bodyguards and warriors in the Kika Jungland in the service of Ranva and her rakshasa servants. They are feared all over the realm for their ability to shrug off lethal blows, and thus their meer presence helps extend the Junglands influence over the realm.
Encompassed species
Related Locations
Instead of rolling for their Otherwordly Trait and Physical Feature, a Körkügech can select the following traits:   Infernal Fortification: Körkügech's have a 15% chance to negate any critical hit made against them.   Robotic Voice: Körkügech's speak in a monotone, robotic sounding voice.


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