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A wyerm bandit who was eventually defeated and then joined the adventuring party Spagma.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Nepens bandit life has left him with a large amount of various weapons and armor, which he constantly changes to match his current situation.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Spawned from the death of a minor dragon, Nepen had little guidance, and thus turned to petty banditry to survive. Eventually, he caught the attention of Lughi’a Hafqu’umu, who then defeated him in single combat, earning his loyalty and recruiting him into his adventuring party Spagma. After Spagma moved north into Central Matera, they became fast friends with another party, Those Who Knock. When Those Who Knock got captured by swamp Goblins, Nepen and the rest of Spagma helped rescue them. While fleeing from the goblin horde, they swam into an island on Loch Lorel, and Nepen ended up wandering into the birthday party of a powerful fey named Cuberth Bulltlerbuts. Angered by the ruined festivities, Cuberth subdued the two parties and then sent them north to Mol-Mirek find a powerful relic for him.   After a series of harrowing adventures, Nepen and the two adventuring groups eventually made their way into the heart of Mol-Mirek, and was able to retrieve the relic, the Skull of Kyleth the Wise Troll, said to hold incredible amounts of knowledge and secrets of the natural world. Cuberth than emerged and demanded the relic as his birthday present. Lionslayer gave the relic over, and Cuberth summoned the trolls spirt, hoping to learn his secrets, and unleashed the troll spirt and his gremlin horde on the parties as a "birthday dance". Nepen fought on the back lines, keeping the gremlin reinforcements from swarming the battlefield. After the intense dual between Lughi'a and Cuberth that left Cuberth with no limbs, Cuberth attempted to enslave Lughi'a to his will. Nepen and Flistevurs Gou charged him, disrupting the ritual. Unfortunantly, they were both slain by his magic blade, but the distraction was long enough for Yace Storeray to take control over Kyleth and turn him against the fey, allowing for him to discover the secret to Cuberths invulnerability and eventually allowing him to defeat the fey for good.

Personality Characteristics

Representation & Legacy

Nepens charge against Cuberth was essential for the victory of the group, and assumedly, his worm form will emerge from his corpse at some point and live out the rest of its days in the ruins of Mol-Mirek.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Date of Birth
17th of Vata, 4,042 A.C.
Date of Death
27th of Ixa, 4,103
4042 4103 61 years old
Circumstances of Death
Slain in battle by Cuberth Bulltlerbuts
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Draconic, small amounts of Ard Common and Maran Common


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