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Lughi’a Hafqu’umu

A human paladin from Ardlam, Lughi’a Hafqu’umu brought several unruly ruffians under his command, founding the adventuring party Spagma.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lughi'a's training with the Earthen Nomads and his many wanderings has greatly improved his stamina, allowing him to engage in battle for long periods of time.

Special abilities

Calling upon his holy training, Lughi'a can infuse his strikes with holy energy, instilling great fear in any evil creature he faces down.

Specialized Equipment

Despite his training with the nomads, Lughi'a decided to forgo the traditional quarterstaff or monk spades, instead preferring to battle with a standard sword and a hefty shield.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lughi’a Hafqu’umu trained with the Earthen Nomads, but was drawn more towards the ideals of justice than the passive survivability of the Nomads. He eventually left, wandering on his own. Hearing rumors of several troublemakers in the region, he defeated each on of them in turn, Drongfub the outcast Hobgoblin, Nepen the Wyerm bandit, Nostale the Drow mage, and the vicious Mantling ǀoǂoǀʰuᵑǀ̤ǀʰuoᵑǃ, also known as Lionslayer. He bound them to his service and founded the adventuring party Spagma. However, the damage that the four ruffians proved too much for the local villages to forgive, and thus Spagma decided to seek a lucrative adventuring career in another realm, travelling to Central Matera and eventually ending up in Lochport. Befriending another party, Those Who Knock, Lughi'a was quick to come to their aid when they were captured by swamp goblins. Freeing their allies, the two parties were chased onto an island in Loch Lorel, where the powerful fey Cuberth Bulltlerbuts defeated them and pressed them into his service, forcing them to head north to Mol-Mirek in search of a relic for him.   After a series of harrowing adventures, Lughi'a and the two adventuring groups eventually made their way into the heart of Mol-Mirek, and was able to retrieve the relic, the Skull of Kyleth the Wise Troll, said to hold incredible amounts of knowledge and secrets of the natural world. Cuberth than emerged and demanded the relic as his birthday present. Lionslayer gave the relic over, and Cuberth summoned the troll's spirt, hoping to learn his secrets, and unleashed the troll spirt and his gremlin horde on the parties as a "birthday dance". Lughi'a was eventually able strike what should have been a fatal blow to Cuberth, and recovered the relic, but Cuberth simply reappeared, unharmed but quite unpleased. Lughi'a attempted to destroy the relic with his sword, but failed to damage it, and he and Cuberth engaged in a fierce duel. Unfortunately, Lughi'a was unable to best the fey, and ended up with all of his limbs erased by Cuberths magical sword. As he lay defeated, Cuberth offered to spare his surviving friends and restore his limbs, if only he swore eternal loyalty and service to him. Lughi'a agreed, but before Cuberth could bind him to his will, members of Those Who Knock, interrupted them. Flistevurs Gou and Nepen took up arms against Cuberth, while Yace Storeray attempted to find the secret to Cuberths power, and the battle wandered elsewhere. While engaged, the two surviving members of Spagma, Drongfub and Lionslayer, both extremely wounded, limped over to Lughi'a. Disappointed at seeing the one who had bested them brought so low, they agreed to put him out of his misery and flee back to Ardlam. But Lionslayer betrayed Drongfub, sinking his poisonous claws into his back, before slaying Lughi'a while he was on the ground and fleeing for parts unknown.

Personality Characteristics

Representation & Legacy

Lughi'a was essentiall in guiding the two groups up to Mol-Mirek, engaging in several duels with powerful enemies. He was one of the key factors in the final battle against Cuberth Bulltlerbuts, holding him at bay until Yace Storeray could figure out the location of Cuberths true body and was able to strike it down.


Religious Views

Lughi'a is a follower of Yea, although he takes a much more active role in the distribution of justice than most of other members of The Earthan Nomads.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
22nd of Skova, 4,070 A.C.
Date of Death
27th of Ixa, 4,103 A.C.
4070 4103 33 years old
Circumstances of Death
Betrayed and slain by Lionslayer
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Ard Common and Maran Common


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