Nomu Ethnicity in Matera | World Anvil
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Nomu (No-moo)

Gnomes who dwell on the mountaintops of Kirru, the nomu are obsessed with magic and the deciphering of ancient languages. Nomus share most of their physical traits with regular gnomes, but have strange runic markings and tattoos all across their bodies.


Major language groups and dialects

Many nomu pride themselves on learning many different languages and dialogues.

Average technological level

The nomu are one of the most inventive and creative of gnomekind, often crafting new technologies or infusing existing items with magic in new and inventive ways.

Common Dress code

Nomus often wear short and tight clothing that leaves their arms and legs exposed, so to not cover up their familial markings.

Art & Architecture

Most nomu dwell inside mountain tunnels that twist and wind, often utilizing magic in their construction and defended by rune and symbol traps.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Very quickly after birth, a nomu baby is inscribed with the runes of its house and family.

Coming of Age Rites

A nomu gains new tattoos when they reach certain age milestones, culminating in a new addition of their choice when they reach adulthood.

Funerary and Memorial customs

A nomus family markings are magically transferred to their direct relatives upon their death, before being buried, usually in a family crypt.

Common Taboos

Destroying knowledge is the worst thing that one can do to a nomu, and no nomu would willingly destroy information of magic, instead preferring to lock it away or study it to greater understand how to control it.

Common Myths and Legends

A majority of nomu worship Néshomu, the gnomish god of magic and writings, but can be found worshiping other members of the gnomish pantheon. Many nomu turn to worshipping The Scattered One, both for the promise of secret magic and for the challenge of deciphering the gods enigmatic language.


Beauty Ideals

Nomus are obsessed with their family legacy that is left behind through their heriditary markings, and thus those with extremely long markings are considered much more worthy and beautiful, regardless of their actual physical conditions.

Gender Ideals

Like normal gnomes, nomus have little distinction between genders, with their society standing based solely on their magical or logistical prowess.

Courtship Ideals

Most nomu court others using wordplay, often crafting poems or stories that they read to their potential suitors. They also often hide spells inside documents and place those documents were their target will find them, so to pleasantly surprise them with a colorful magic effect declaring their interest in them.

Relationship Ideals

Nomus are often pressured by their family to succeed, and are more prone to the intense obsessions that befall all gnomes. Thus, they often have a much more difficult time forming strong relationships, often turning to seclusion to work on their personal projects.

Major organizations

A majority of nomu live and work in the Svanti Empire, usually working to develop new magic and technology or working as translators on behalf of the Empire. Because of this are often a part of the Church of the Boundless Sky, usually as a member of the Explosive Scribes sect.

Random Nomu Homelands
% Rolled Homeland Trait Gained
01-50 Mountain City Twisted Tattoo
51-80 Cave Tunnels Mountain Guide
81-88 Valley Surefooted Ascent
89-95 Forest Naturally Gifted
96-00 Unusual Homeland (Roll on Unusual Homeland table)
Encompassed species
Related Locations
A nomu replaces the standard gnome trait of Gnome Magic with the following trait:   Glyph Gnome (Sp): A nomu adds +1 to the DC of any spells they cast with the language-dependent descriptor or those that create glyphs, symbols, or other magical writings. A Nomu with a Charisma score of 13 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities 1/day each: arcane mark, comprehend languages, message, and read magic.


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