Svanti Empire Organization in Matera | World Anvil
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Svanti Empire

The largest nation of Kirru, the realm of Air. Ruled over by the Eleyai, the Empire dominates nearly the entire realm with its steam-powered technology.

Public Agenda

The stated agenda of the Empire is the complete unification of the realm of Kirru under the rule of the Eleyai. They state that it is in the name of uplifting all to the glory of the sky, but many in the Unclaimed Lands believe that they solely want to empower the Eleyai and oppress the other races.


The sheer volume of mountainous areas in Kirru gives the Empire access to huge amounts of stone and ore mining, as well as ample lumber supplies. This bounty of resources allowed the Empire to rapidly expand in the early days and have huge amounts of capital to fund their steam-technology.


The Empire has its origins in ancient history, with the foundation of the Church of the Boundless Sky, but they never gained much traction, as tribes were scattered across the many mountains and valleys of the realm. During the Age of Conflict and the Titan Rebellion, the Dowan dwarves crafted mighty Sky Claves, giant floating fortresses, and used them to unify the realm under their own empire, The Dowan Sky Empire. However, the Dowan Empire became increasingly draconic, and after the Separation, the Church of the Boundless Sky gained traction. Due to the slow degradation of the Sky Claves, the Dowan Sky Empire was eventually overthrown, and the Svanti Empire rose in its place.

Demography and Population

A majority of the Empire is composed of Eleyai, Hangu Tengu, and Kirran humans. Other races included in the empire are the Erfu and Nomu. The Puko catfolk have recently been integrated into the empire, and many Skylings also dwell in the empires borders, but most are slaves or in other disenfranchised roles.


The Svanti Empire spans almost the entirely of Kirru, dominating the center of the Realm. It has yet to overcome the Northwest and Northeast areas, as the northeast is overcome with powerful giants and hags, while the Northeast is the Dowan Holdout, the remnants of the old Dowan Sky Empire. While they have many outposts in the southern Hinode Forest, they have yet to establish official territory due to the many draconic creatures, as well as the constantly moving Rainfall Castle and the temperamental Prince of Rains occupying the area.


The Empire employs many elite guards, warriors, and electromancers. Due to the elevated terrain of the realm, the Empire focuses more on smaller mobile units able to fly, rather than larger standing armies. Guard patrols are often equipped with magical orbs known as Static Stones. These Static Stones are able to rapidly discharge electrical shocks to stun those who are resisting arrest. While usually non-fatal, rumors of more powerful Static Stones are said to be used by elite guards that can completely disintegrate the unruly.

Technological Level

The empire has a monopoly on steamship-technology, although the origins of its creation are of much debate. They have utilized this technology to craft many devices, most notably among them being the Skyships, also known as the Nahyos. Theses ships are massive in scale, and their inner engines require constant upkeep and maitenence. An entire caste of people live in the bowls of these Nahyos. Known as the Pikons, they spend all of their time working on engines and serving the crew of the Nahyo. Many spend their entire life in a Nahyo underbelly, and some never even get the chance to step outside one. Most Pikons are Human, Nomus, or Latra,


The Church of the Boundless Sky is the offical religion of the Svanti Empire, and in many places membership in the church is strictly enforced.

Foreign Relations

The empire has little in the way of positive relations, as they have often expanded through aggression and deception. They are at a state of war with the Dowan Holdout, as it is believed that the Svanti Empire was a crucial player in the collapse of their own empire. They are constantly fighting with the Latra raiders of Mt. Yoriinu, as they claim that it was them who invented the steam technology that is crucial to everyday life, and that the Empire stole the technology from them. After decades of fighting, the Empire has recently annexed the Puko mountain of Mt. Sorko, but many are still resentful of the Empire and their new rules. The Empire is often attempting to exploit the skylings of the Cosmic Valley and discover the secrets of the enigmatic Tengo Valley.   After the Sundering, the Empire has realized that they have many forces standing against them, and have been one of the most proactive nations in cross-realm negotiation. Offering the use of their Skyships for easier travel, they sent a delegation to Nenu-Lan during the Tech War, entering the conflict on the side of the Iron City. After the ascent of The Collective One, the Svanti Empire has continued to have negotiations and trade with both the Iron City and the Welthrone Empire.


Due to the remote nature of the realms mountains and valleys, laws often differ from region to region, although the standard of traditional laws generally applies in most places. Most small villages are ruled over by mayoral-like position known as an Onuni, while the specific major mountain towns are ruled over by a Grand Onuni, who act as regional governors who report directly to the Kaze-Nushi

Agriculture & Industry

The empire primarily grows rice in its low valleys to feed the populace, as well as growing many vine orchards on mountain-top villas. The mountains also grow a bean known as the Aho Bean, which can be brewed into a thick, potent coffee.


Svanti citizens who live on well-populated mountains usually attend a central, state-funded school, learning basics, while those who dwell at the top of the most important mountains often attend prestigious academies. Those lower-classes that dwell solely in the depths of Svanti Skyships often have no formal education, but have much practical knowledge of mechanics and the steam-technology.


The Svanti Empire has built many strong roads up and down the many mountains in the realms, but they are most known for their massive steam-skyships that make travel over the mountains much less time consuming.

"Praise the Sky"


  • Shōs-Yai
    The capital city of the Svanti Empire
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Air Nation
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Important locations in the Empire include:   The Four Towers of the Winds: Each of these towers are spread out the four cardinal edges of the empire. Each tower is guarded by a spirit of the wind who is said to have different knowledge based on the four winds. These spirits are fickle and often refuse cooperation.   Mt. Kanjao: The home mountain of the Erfu elves and their many towers.   Mt. Retohok: The home mountain of the Hangu tengu and the center of information of the realm.   Mt. Sakkano: The home mountain of the Nomu gnomes, it is full of holes and tunnels.   Mt. Svanti: The capital mountain and the home of the Eleyai.   Ruins of Luca: An ancient laboratory that was destroyed in a magical accident that created the Bekuma
The official currency of the Svanti Empire and Kirru as a whole is the Kingin
Major Exports
The Empire has begun trade with the rest of the world, mostly exporting mountain stone, unrefined gold and steam-ship technology. They have begun talks about renting out their massive air-ships and potentially creating an inter-realm travel system.
Major Imports
The elites in the Empire have begun to import many technological items from the city of Nenu-Lan, as well as wheat and simple grains from Central Matera.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Ongoing aggression

Cold War


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