Passel Ethnicity in Matera | World Anvil
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Passel (Pass-ell)

Human-born Axions and Tieflings of Urro, generally of Devilish descent. Like all of the Cosmic Races, their appearance and abilities can vary wildly, but they most often have the red skin, horns, and tails commonly depicted in most descriptions of Tieflings, and most Axion Passel are mistaken for Tieflings.


Major language groups and dialects

The Passel speak Urok Common and Infernal.

Average technological level

Skatoria is the most industrial nation of Urro, having gained many secrets from their interactions with devil-kind. They have perfected the art of fiend-summoning, using many dark implements and tools to aid in coaxing infernal powers for their homes.

Common Etiquette rules

The Passal always strive to be prim, proper, and polite, as to do overwise would breed discontent and division in their great nation. However, this front is mostly shallow, as the Passel are constantly plotting and undermining each other in the hopes of gaining more power and prestige.

Common Dress code

The Passel are always seeking to look proper, wearing fancy suits and formal clothes. Males must keep themselves well-groomed, while woman are expected to wear long dress that cover a majority of their bodies.

Art & Architecture

The Passel love to build grand cathedrals and structures promoting the glory of Asmodeus. These buildings always have a dark motif, reminding the commoners of the power of te Hellforge.   The most impressive construction of the Passel is the massive Zorda Battlements, constructed with the labors of mortals and devils alike. These massive walls surround the nation of Skatoria and prevent any demonic incursions from the Pit from threatening their livelihoods.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

For those who can afford it, the parents anoint the newborn in devil blood and declare the newborns name, blessing the new life with dark power. For those less fortunate, they will often substitute the devil blood of wine or bloodwine.

Coming of Age Rites

Commoner Passel often enter the family business', becoming an adult once they can begin to contribute to society. For those in noble and mage families, a Passel must study the art of devilish summoning in their youth, and to be considered an adult, must successfully summon a devil. The greater the power of their first summoned devil, the more of a head-start they gain in their social standing. However, should their summoning fail, they are thrown to the mercy of whatever being they coax from the Hellforge, and many powerful devils relish the opportunity to punish over ambitious mortals. These all only apply to men, as in the misogynistic Passel society, woman are simply given or traded as wives as soon as they are of child-rearing or caring age. The only exception to this is the Order of the Clasped Belt, a subset of female-only Hellknights that report directly to the Sinlord of Lust. The Clasped Belt mostly works covertly, sending their agents undercover in illigeal brothers or infiltrating noble houses suspected of debauchery. They are only recruited personally through its higher-ranked knights, and are said to undergo brutal training.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Most Passel have their bodies shipped to the Helforge, in able to be melted down to help Asmodues fuel his Hellcraft. It is said that commoner flesh is only used to create the bricks and foundations, while noble flesh is used to build beautiful statutes and other adornments. Some wealthier families also have large familial crypts to inter their dead.

Common Taboos

The Passel extol the virtues of law, to the extent of suppression and tyranny. As sin breeds the birth of demonic forces out of the Pit, the Passel work to mitigate the sins that mortals can take. To accomplish this, they have installed a sect of inquisitors known as the Sinlords. These Sinlords are in charge of hunting down those who lives excessively sinful lives. Thus, any Passel who indulges in overly wrathful, slothful, envious, greedy, lustful, prideful, or gluttonous behavior is quickly shunned and "reeducated".

Common Myths and Legends

It has long been believed that the Passel are Asmodeus' chosen mortal creatures, and it is said that the first humans in the area that would become Skatoria helped him start construction of the Hellforge. This transformed them into the first devils, and the early Passel soon followed.

Historical figures

A member of the legendary Band of the Sunlit Sword was Zorda, an exiled private detective who specialized in fighting infernal creatures.


Beauty Ideals

The Passel love order, and thus keep themselves well-groomed and looking proper. Those who don't keep themselves looking correctly or up to date with current fashions quickly find their influence waning.

Gender Ideals

Unfortunately, Passel society is heavily misogynistic, with woman having little-to-no rights. They are not permitted to vote or even hold thier own land, and thus are regulated to house-care and childcare for their husbands.

Courtship Ideals

Most Passel courtship comes through arraigned marriages, with families effectively selling their woman to become wives of powerful men.

Relationship Ideals

The Passel love to build connections, and have many relationships through their families, businesses and dark dealings. These relationships form the net that becomes an individuals web of influence, however most of these connections are transactional only, leaving the Passel with few true friends. The pressure to succeed and bring glory is especially strong among powerful families, and many Passel struggle under the intense pressure from their fathers.

Major organizations

A majority of the Passel live in the northernmost nation of Urro, the walled kingdom of Skatoria. They faithfully serve the devils of the Hellforge in the promises of dark power.
Encompassed species
Related Locations
Instead of rolling for their Otherwordly Trait and Physical Features, a Passel can select the following traits:   Infernal Calling: An evil creature a Passel calls with Summon Monster or similar spells last an additional three rounds.   Infernal Appearance: A passel has cloven feet, devilish horns, and usually a fiendish tail.


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