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An ancient forest and the birthplace of the Elves. It is split into two regions by the Minya River; North Tar-Dorol and South Tar-Dorol.


Tar-Dorol holds a massive supply of lumber, that can be utilized in crafting of many weapons and buildings. They also have access to a popular elven metal, mithral, which is both extremly light and


While not functioning much as a nation in the Age of Creation, the Elves number among the first of mortal creations, and thus some consider Tar-Dorol to be the oldest nation in the entire world.

Demography and Population

Between the two halves of the forest-nation, Tar-Dorol boasts a population of about 60,000, nearly all of which are elves or half-elves. A vast majority dwell in South Tar-Dorol, with only about 2.5% of the elderly and the elite dwelling in North Tar-Dorol.


Tar-Dorol dwells in the forest known that shares its name, commonly referred to as the "Great Forest". The Great Forest once spanned across the entire realm, spreading out from Ygg, the World Tree. Eventually, the other races grew and expanded their territories, and eventually the elves and most of the forest itself was push to the eastern portion of the realm.


Tar-Dorol has no formal military army, but has many well trained milita who patrol the woods. Due to their long years, many elves at some point pick up some sort of combat training, and thus, in times of need, Tar-Dorol can summon an army of competent common folk.


Despite commonly training in the arcane arts, most of Tar-Dorol is very religions, worshiping members of the Elven Pantheon. Few elves are polytheistic, preferring to worship the pantheon as a whole and venerating specific members as needed. Due to their love of the natural world, many of the nation also works with or practices with the Green Order, and often view the Elven Pantheon as just another extension of the natural world, rather than ascended, separate deities.

Foreign Relations

Overall, Tar-Dorol attempts to remain uninvolved in the realms politics, preferring to keep to themselves. They have a long history of conflict with Welthrone, as Welthrone has decimated the forested areas of their nation, and have often tried to expand into Tar-Dorol for more lumber. They have had minor conflicts with the Alkan of Huntslan, but such conflicts are usually reserved to individual tribes and not the nation as a whole. Perhaps more than any other nation, Tar-Dorol decries the technologically advanced city of Nenu-Lan, especially the Tilves that dwell there. The Tilves are viewed as traitors who not only stole elven land, but also turned their backs on the natural order with their body modifications.


Elven rules are extremely lax when it comes to elven interactions, with the few large governing laws set by the elven queen, and the rest being decided by local elders. However, elven law becomes very strict when it comes to outsiders entering their territory, and some can even come off as extremely unreasonable, such as breaking bones for things as simple as breaking tree branches.

Agriculture & Industry

Most of the nation sustains itself on various fruits, nuts and plants grown naturally throughout the woods.

Trade & Transport

The nation trades little, preferring to work with the resources it has and not associate much with the other nations.


All elves in the nation are educated on the matters of nature, spirituality, and literature. Those who find that they have a talent for a certain thing are often taken to an elder expert to continue their training, and many elves delve into the teachings of arcane study.


Tar-Dorol only has two major main roads, one that spans the woods from the bottom of the Welthrone border, all the way to the Northern city of North Tireram. The other main road intersects Southern Tar-Dorol, and allows for passage to Bal-Vardu, the spiritual capital of the nation.   Other, smaller paths connect the scattered villages throughout the woods, but such paths are subtle and nearly invisible to the non-elven eye.

Sing the Song of the Trees


  • Tar-Dorol
    The ancestral home forest of the elves.
Founding Date
1094 AC
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Most Elves exchange services rather than coin, but when needed, they use the main currency of the Central Realm, Crowns.
Major Exports
Like with their imports, most of Tar-Dorols exports are people, as an elves long lifespan means that they often become masters of one or more crafts, and such expertise is highly sought after by those who don't have the same time to dedicate.
Major Imports
Tar-Dorols imports mostly come in the form of people, often hiring adventurers to deal with unexpected problems, as elves are slow to react in all things.
Legislative Body
The few large rules that are govern the entire nation are set by the elven queen, but such rules are often vague and open to interpretation. Local laws are rules are set by a cities council of elders, and vary greatly by area. Such laws seldom change, as the wisdom of the elders is placed highly above any progress change might bring, and the elves long lifespan means that a rule seen as unreasonable by outsiders might go centuries before even being brought before the council.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species

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