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Welthrone (Well-throw-n)

The "Empire of Man" and the largest nation in Central Matera. Welthrone has constantly expanded from a small Human nation to the greatest power in the realm, and its Capital was the sight of the conflict that led to the Sundering. With the Sundering, and many other troubles that followed, Welthrones grip on the realm is beginning to falter.


Welthrones greatest asset is its huge population, able to easily complete projects, as well as staffing their massive military.   They have a massive amount of money from their lumbering days, and much trading power throughout the realm. However, both their money and influnce has begun to wane, and economic troubles are poping up one after the other.


Founded in the tail end of the Age of Conflict by Wellington the 1st, Welthrone was initialy a small country of humans who banded together to protect themselves from the greater forces of the world. As the power of the other races dwindled following the Separation, and the greatest threats to mortals defeated or locked away, human adaptability and ingenuity thrived.    While initially making only incremental progress due to the enemies at their borders, 700 years after their founding a knight of Welthrone ascended to godhood, becoming Tathallion, the Knight of Justice, and marking a new era of expansion for the empire, which swiftly conquered almost half of the realm. However, with the Sundering, Welthrone power has taken a downturn, including a battle between the Darkmoon Alliance and the Band of the Sunlit Sword caused massive damage to the area surrounding the capital, several devastating campaigns against the tech city of Nenu-Lan ending in defeat for Welthrone, coordinated raids by the Io-Fo hill giants, a large portion of nobility dying during a mysterious event known as the Night of Mists, and even a daemonic attack on Welthrone Castle that left the formally young king an aged man. All these events has caused the influence and power of Welthrone to plummet.

Demography and Population

Welthrone has a total population of around 30 million people, most of which are humans.


While once a small nation, the Separation greatly weakened the power of the neighboring races, giving the humans of Welthrone a golden opportunity to expand, and through military conquest, now holds the largest portion of territory in Central Matera, dominating almost the entirety of its southern half.   Welthrone is divided into 9 major baronies, ruled over by different noble families: Katsva, Prawwon, Oparn, Zevah, Slinkas, Mezoit, Lionė, Didel, and Sugoti.


While members of the Order of the Shining Riders often act as leaders, commanders, and elite forces for Welthrone, the bulk of the Empires' might lies in the Great Welthrone Army, made up of conscripted soldiers and guards. Many of the forces lie more in the south, protecting from raiding orcs and hill giants.

Technological Level

In the past, Welthrone was often on the edge of technological study, especially in the areas of lumber harvesting and arcane study. However, recent conflicts with the technological city of Nenu-Lan has led to a large pushback against delving much into scientific study. After the most recent Tech-War, many ambitious young Welthrone minds have been immigrating away from Welthrone and into the city.


The official state religion is  The Author and the Church of Authority, as the crown claims that humanity is the Author's favorite children. But in practicality, Tathallion and the Order of the Shining Riders dominates most factors of Welthrone religion, with Tathalion being once a mortal champion in Ancient Welthrone

Foreign Relations

Welthrone gets along well with the Dwarven nation of Ironclade, purchasing most of their metalwork from them. They have a tumultuous relationship with their neighbors, the Kyoshi Tribelands, Tar-Dorol, the Ursan Hold, The Orken Holds, and the technologically advanced city of Nenu-Lan.   Thier constant over-logging of its once great forests puts them at edge with the Elves of Tar-Dorol, and their constant expansion and discrimination against the Neko of the Tribelands leaves them with few friends in the west.    The Welthrone government refuses to acknowledge the Ursans claim of independence, stating rulership of the area of the Ursan Hold, but not pressing much deeper due to the formidable power of the ursan when pushed.    The Welthrone Army and the Order of the Shining Riders are constantly fighting against raiding bands of Orcs from the Orken Hold, and have hopes to one day exterminate all of them and take over the Borderrealm completely.    Ever since the starship Angra-Nenu crashed and the city of Nenu-Lan was built around it, Welthrone has tried to conquer it by force, claiming that the technologies found their are heretical to the gods and a threat to their national security. However, each attempt as lead to their disastrous defeat and a great number of soldiers dead, and the latest attempt even gave birth to the divine hive mind known as The Collective One.


Welthrone law is moderate, at least when it comes to humans or dwarves breaking the law, usually resulting in fines, or small prison terms. Other races, however, have much harsher punishments stacked against them, ranging from deportation and exile, permanent prison sentances, indentured servitude, and even branding or cutting off of limbs.

Agriculture & Industry

Many small towns and villages in the central areas of the country are devoted to farming, supplying the capital and other cities with food.

Trade & Transport

The various barons of Welthrone trade with each other constantly, with the major trading regions being Katsva, Prawwon, Oparn and Zevah. Katsva trades mostly in ores and metals, while both Prawwon and Zevah deal in fish, while Oparn manages both lumber and farm-grown food.   All of Welthrone is connected through massive road networks thata spread out throughout the nation. Both the city of Cenhub and Fort Tathgyr are located right in the center of these networks, and thus are heavily travelled areas.


Nobels and merchants often receive great educations, while farmers and peasants rarely receive much in the way of any formal learning, although nearly all citizens of the Empire have very basic reading and writing skills.


Welthrone cities are well-made, tightly build cities. Constructed over long periods of human ingenuity as well as hired dwarven expertise, they are usually divided into city blocks.   Welthrone has also constructed three major bridges to cross the large Fludel River, and have built large towns near them, one of them being one of the nations major cities, Prawpass, which most people travelling north usually pass through. The other two, Flupass and Urpass, are the main access points to the Ursan Hold, with Flupass being the point that those travelling west generally travelling through, then returning east through Urpass.

"Glory to the Throne of Humanity"


  • Welthrone Map
    The map of Welthrone, the largest and southernmost nation of Central Matera
Founding Date
2900 AC
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Empire of Man
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
The official currency of Welthrone is Crowns, with most trading in Gold and Silver
Major Exports
In the past, Welthrone was known as a great exporter of wood, but the over-logging has left their once great forests vastly reduced. This has caused many to clamor for the country to rekindle their expansion into Tar-Dorol for more trees, which could lead to another war with the elves. In the meanwhile, they have turned to attempting to excavate rare ores to sell to Ironclade, as well as exporting fish to the Koyshi Tribelands.
Major Imports
Welthrone imports most of its metals from the dwarven nation of Ironclade, but is now attempting to lesson their need for metals by partaking in their own mining of The Ebon Range.
Legislative Body
Laws for the overall kingdoms are handled by the King and his court, but local laws are decided by the noble barons who rule those territories.
Executive Body
The laws are usually enforced by town guards and militias, but for greater cases, the guards of the nobility or even the Order of the Shining Riders might get involved.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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