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Ygg, the World Tree

(This article is for Ygg in a Geographical sense and its inner workings. For more information on Ygg as a deity, see Ygg   The Center of the World and the Realm of the Gods, Ygg holds the Root of Souls, which carries the souls of the dead to their final resting place.


Ygg is made up of countless massive leaves and branches, each of which lead to other realms that are the homes of the true gods. Each of these realms are a world of their own, and are all massively different from each other.

Localized Phenomena

Each of the realms of the gods that dwell in Ygg are different, following their own physical laws and geographical rules.

Fauna & Flora

While many strange and powerful creatures dwell on the branches of Ygg, the greatest of these is the Demigod Rataoskr, who acts as a courier between the realms of the gods and makes it his personal mission to hunt down those who would tread upon the tree without permission.

Natural Resources

The branches, leaves, and other materials of Ygg are said to be able to create artifact-level items, and thus are highly sought after by crafters over the Nine Realms.


Ygg was grown out of the first soil and watered with the blood of The Author, and the realms around it were crafted by the first young gods to help perpetuate its growth. In the primal days, the disembodies spirits of new gods were able to manifest themselves and emerge into a more physical form through Ygg, thanks to the beliefs and ideals of mortals. Ygg remained unchanged throughout history, occasionally dropping leaves and branches, that would eventually be collected and the Temple of the Divines constructed at the area of their fall. But in the year 2222 AC, the Nyarlothotep and Tsaggoua of the Dark Tapestry were attracted to the world, and secretly advanced on the tree while the gods where distracted fighting off their kindred. Ripping off a branch and dipping it into Tsaggoua's slime, they attempted to corrupt Ygg and created Fuulia, the first Enthos. Fuulia instead betrayed her fathers, calling out and alerting the other gods who where able to drive the dark deities away.   In the year 3000 AC, the Author split the realms apart by creating The Rier, with the only tether between the realms being Ygg and the Root of Souls.   In the year 4000 AC, Marath Darkon attempted a ritual to grow a corrupt version of the World Tree by siphoning off its energy and inverting it. While the attempt ultimately failed, it left an empty scar on the ground where no life grows and that is void of magic. This event shrunk Ygg a small amount, and further weakened connection of the gods to the mortal plane.


Ygg is a forbidden realm for mortal life, and all those who are not the servants of the gods are hunted by Rataoskr should they step foot onto its branches. While many have tried and have never been heard from again, four demigods, Alka, An, Neko, and Hunginn, have successfully climbed its heights, and have communed with Death and achieved true godhood.
Magical Realm
Location under


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