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The Earthan Nomads

Both the followers of the Primal Elemental of Earth, Yea, and a large unified state of many Ardlam citizens. These tribes make up a large quantity of the Human and Eley population of the great forests of Ardlam.

Public Agenda

The Earthen Nomads are seeking to reconnect with the sacred earth and atone for past sins under the rule of the ancient Akema-Ra empire, and thus are solely concerned with travelling to and fro their sacred sites. They seek to heal and protect the corrupted places of the earth, and destroy those who would bring it further harm.


The Nomads have existed in many different forms over the eras, starting from the original nomadic Eleyea. In the Age of Conflict, after the first Orc Rumbeling, many of the now human-led nomads consolidated thier forces and power, abandoning their nomadic ways and crafting a great empire, and carving great stone buildings and monuments to Yea and the other gods. However, the empire grew more and more removed from the original culture to worship a necromantic preist known as Akema-Ra. Orginally a benevolent high-ranking priest of Yea, Akema-Ra soon became corrupted by dark energy and took control over, establishing his own rule. Eventually, his acts became so vile that the gods themselves smote the empire, transforming it into the vast Skretir Desert and scattering his empire. Over the Age of Seperation, the once enslaved Gnoll Alka took power in the desert and created the Skrefal Sultanate, while the former humans and eley returned to their nomadic rooots and remade the remanates of the empire into the current day Earthen Nomads.

Demography and Population

The Earthen Nomads are primarily made of Eleyeas and Alnasi humans, with most tribes being almost entirely made of one or the other. However, some tribes also include Briarhearts, Dimlings, Emgi, Centaur, and even surface-dwelling Enthos such as Stinglings or Beetlings.


The nomads hold no official territory outside of their established Earth Temples, but there are many established routes and roads that align with nomad wanderings and are considered under the protection of the nomads.


While they have no standing army, nearly each individual nomad is trained in the art of combat, and thus are ready to defend their tribe and territory at a moments notice. Many are also trained in the basics of geomancy, and those that act strictly as guards and protectors are known as dhūkāḩ, elite warriors that protect the wanderers.


While not required, nearly all of the Earthan Nomads worship Yea, the Primal Elemental of Earth. A rare few might worship Guzmeg or Ramé, as they both have domains associated to travelling and nomads, but such members are a rarity.

Foreign Relations

The Earthen Nomads have an uneasy truce with the Skrefal Sultanate, as many of their temples are inside the borders of the Skretir Desert where the Sultanate rules. Despite this, many nomads are constantly kidnapped and illegally sold into slavery. This often leads to the nomads leading slave-liberating movements and nomad settlements becoming a safe haven for runaway slaves.


Most clans are left to create their own rules and laws, but execution is frowned upon, with banishment, exile or the becoming of a Far Traveler far more common. Due to their past shame in Akema-Ra's empire, necromancy is strictly forbidden, and the carving of statues that pertain to personal glory and vanity and not the worship of Yea is a punishable act.

Agriculture & Industry

The nomads both grow and harvest many agricultural vegetables not usually found in the Skretir Desert, and thus often leverages these trade goods against the Skrefal Sultanate in order to pass though their territory.

Trade & Transport

Due to their travels, the nomads are constantly trading with the other members of Ardlam, and thus have an extensive trade network. They get along quite well with the Emgu, often utilizing them to send items to other nomad bands.


The nomad tribes typically view themselves as one large family, and thus children are raised and taught together. They focus on physical education, mostly on survival skills and basic knowledge in order to survive the harsh journeys. While most know the basics of reading and writing, higher education and strong intellectual focus are not common.


Being nomadic, the Earthern Nomads have few buildings, but the ones they do craft are massive stone fortresses, nearly impervious to outside attacks. Such buildings are usually entirely crafted out of stone moved with geomancy, and magically treated to stand strong. Many state that the interior of these temples are the safest place to be in all of the Realm, with even escaped criminals sometimes seeking asylum inside them.

Divine Origins

As followers of one of the Primal Elementals, the Earthan Nomads have been around in some form since the creation of the elementals in Age of Creation. It is believed that the the first Eleyea rose from the mixing of soil and shattered stones whilst Yea was stomping down on the earth to create terrain. These newborns followed Yea on his great journeys, starting their nomadic ways.

Tenets of Faith

The more devoutly religious members of the nomads generally stick to the following code:  
  • I will walk as much of the earth as a can, to marvel in the beuaty of what Yea has formed.
  • I shall fight against the evils that hide underneath the earth, and work to clear the earth of corruption.
  • I will protect the Eleyea from harm, so that they may continue to walk the sacred paths/
  • Like unbreaking stone, I shall work to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
  • I will strive to create in some way, so that I may contribute to the earth.
  • Like a mighty avalanche, I shall not hold back when the time for action comes.


Earthern Nomad tribes are distrustful of outsiders, as they have a history of being accosted led astray by mages or kidnapped by slavers seeking to exploit them for their physique or geokinesis. However, to those that have earned a tribes trust are often treated as full members, and the tribe is quick to offer help to any lost in the wilderness, even if they might keep their rescuee at arms length.


While dwelling in the Earth Temples, worship often consists of a priest speaking to a congregation who sits on solid stone ground. While on their migrations, specific times of day are set asides (such times usually varies by season). During these times, all members remove any footwear they are wearing and are lead by a priest on an hour-long march, were said priest leads them in a marching chant. During this time, the followers are expected to focus on the texture of the earth between their feet.


Priests are expected to carry the massive stone tablets that act as Yea's holy books, and thus are expected to be very physically fit. Head priests lead entire migration groups, while others act as guards and help train younger generations. Nearly all are trained in geokinesis of some kind. Once a priest becomes too old to migrate, they usually retire and take up a permanent roll at one of the Earth Temples or as a caretaker of a sacred site.

Granted Divine Powers

Divine followers of Yea gain several many earth powers, with geokinesis often practiced by priests of the nomads. The most common divine blessing is a minor protection against acid and the protection of a priests footwear against wear and tear.   More devout followers gain powerful abilities including strong resistance to acid, stone skin that can block damage, the ability to enhance shovels with extra speed and strength, the ability to enter powerful defensive stances, summon powerful the elementals, and even teleport distances across the ground.

Political Influence & Intrigue

After their pasts mistakes in Akema-Ra's empire, the Earthen Nomads prefer to remain isolated and not interfere in the affairs in the world. However, the nomads are not afraid to protect against the encroachment of others, as they often aid slaves attempting to escape from the Kuzan Range or the Skrefal Sultanate. This puts them in conflict with those nations, but the Earth Temples are impregnable fortresses, and any attempts to breach them have ended in disaster for any attackers. This, combined with the swiftness of which information spreads and quick coordination between nomad tribes means that once motivated, the Nomads can weather threats and quickly retaliate. Thus an uneasy peace between the Nomads, the Sultanate, and the Kuzons last, with all sides covertly acting against each other. The Nomads and the Sultanate often work together to aid in defending the north of the realm against marauding orcs from the Orken Holds, and the Nomads often trade in valuable food and water with the Sultanate, leading to the Sultanate to never act openly towards them.


Each nomadic tribe has different minor beliefs and their own sects, and each of the Earth Temples are run with different ideals, but # sects that transcend tribal bounds. The first of witch are the Temple Defenders, an elite warrior force which forgoes wandering and solely dwells in one of the mighty Earth Temples, so that they may protect them from outside threats. The second are the Esteemed Elders, honorable priests who have retired to a temple for retirement, and meet together in council to run both the temples and collaborate on the Nomads as a whole. The final sect is the Far Travelers, singular nomads, who are often disgraced or seeking redemption, are singular nomads who travel beyond established routes or into enemy territory, searching for lost knowledge or uncovering hidden threats to the nomads as a whole.

"Walk the Earth"

Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Government System
While their are many minor temples, there are five Great Earth Temples that dot Ardlam.   The Northern Earth Temple: Laying to the east of the Skretir Desert at the northern edge of the Eletheron Plains. It is a welcome waypoint for those leaving the desert, a stopgap for scouts who monitor the activities of both the Sultanate and the Orken Hold, as well as a trading hub between the city of Aan and the Centaurs of the plains.   The Eastern Earth Temple: Near the eastern edge of the Realm and just south of Lake Halya. Here, most of the young of the nation are born, as well as crops grown and craft formed, as it its the farthest removed temple from any immediate danger.   The Southern Earth Temple: Located at the south of the Munsa Range, here many geomancers and warriors train on the tough mountain slopes to master their magic. The temple is often blessed with a visit from wandering Stone Giants, who help teach the ways of the mountain to its inhabitants.   The Western Earth Temple: Found at the western edge of the Skretir Desert, this temple acts as a haven for the wanders traveling up the deserts western side. It was founded due to the locations dangerous threats, mostly the nearby Hobgoblin Kuzans' attempting to kidnap wanderers into slavery, but also the roaming dragon-kin of Slathzil and wandering horrors of the Dreadlands.   The Central Earth Temple: Near the south-eastern side of the Skretir Desert and close to the Basi oasis. The caretakes of the temple aid in the upkeep of the Oasis, keeping it as a haven for those attempting to cross through the desert. Due to its central location, important gatherings of clan leaders or Esteemed Elders often take place here.
The Earth Nomads use Dushī as their main currency.
Major Imports
The nomads often purchase tools crafted of sandstone while traveling through the Skretir Desert.
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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